make_matrices-methods: Prepares the matrices for 'control_adjustment'

Description Methods


make_matrices generates the control (output $CTRL) and the test (output $TEST) matrice in the right format for control_adjustment


signature(mat = "data.frame")

Method make_matrice for data.frame object.

signature(mat = "matrix")

Method make_matrice for matrix object.

signature(mat = "SummarizedExperiment")

Method make_matrice for SummarizedExperiment object.

signature(mat = "RangedSummarizedExperiment")

Method make_matrice for RangedSummarizedExperiment object.

signature(mat = "ExpressionSet")

Method make_matrice for ExpressionSet object.

jeitziner/TTMap documentation built on May 23, 2019, 4:24 p.m.