Man pages for jelsema/RRSM
Methods for reduced rank spatial models

approx_nk_gridCreate a grid of points close to a target number
awg_knotsAugment a set of knots with a grid
basis_matConstruct matrix of basis functions
dplusCalculate despersion, D^{+}{D^+}
easy_mapA convenient mapping function
empirical_knotsEstimate knots for reduced rank spatial process
eyeCreate an identity matrix
gen_locaGenerate locations over a spatial domain
merge_close_knotsMerge close knots
mom_becBinned Empirical Covariance Matrix
mom_fitFit the reduced dimension covariance matrix
normijWeight function for robust variance
pairwise_distCalculate pairwise distances
pSDPairwise sums and differences
rcpparma_hello_worldSet of functions in example RcppArmadillo package
rr_emEstimate the parameters of a spatial mixed effects model
rr_estEstimate the parameters of a spatial mixed effects model
rr_krigeUniversal kriging predictions for spatial process
rr_lognormal_krigeSpatial predictions for lognormal process
rr_predictMake spatial predictions
RRSMReduced rank spatial models
RRSM-packageMethods for reduced rank spatial models
sig2dplusCalculate variance using dispersion
sig2dpluswtsWeighted variance using dispersion
sigma12Find square root of matrix
sim_rrsmSimulate large spatial dataset
threshold_knotsExceedence set knots
TKSThreshold knot selection
tr_varFunction used in lifting eigenvalues of
wtiiWeight function for robust variance
wtijWeight function for robust variance
zerosCreate a null matrix
jelsema/RRSM documentation built on May 19, 2019, 4:02 a.m.