
This package contains a variety of general functions for working with data

Working with Vectors - make_outliers_na() makes all values beyond specified sd from the mean NA (mark for removal)

Working with Lists - rename_list() adds an identifier column to (nested) data frames inside a list with the names of the list elements - extract_list() saves data generated from iterative, independent model builds and groups common data outputs for easy extraction

Working with Data Frames - view_duplicated() displays duplicated rows by specified columns - remove_duplicated() removes duplicated rows by specified columns - merge_mult() merge multiple data frames - to_be() returns the subset and anti-subset, supply own subsetting function or pre-existing functions (subset, filter, distinct, etc). Useful for splitting data sets and running analyses in parallel on both sets.

Plots - diagnostic_plots() generates diagnostic plots for lm and glm objects in ggplot2



jennguyen1/jn.general documentation built on March 28, 2020, 7:18 p.m.