knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, cache = FALSE, error = FALSE, results='hide', fig.align='center', fig.pos='!h')

knitr::knit_hooks$set(mysize = function(before, options, envir) {
  if (before) 

options(width = 100)


Proposed Method: Clustered Bootstrapped Multinomial Regression

Proposed Method: Clustered Bootstrapped Multinomial Regression

## Load analysis data set

## How many patients have >=1 day available?
n.pts <- length(unique($id))


# source('create_sampdata.R')
# source('multi_bootstrap.R')
# source('boot_coef_plot.R')

Motivating Example

## Libraries used
library(VGAM)    ## for vglm()
library(ggplot2) ## for plotting
library(rms)     ## for using rcs() in model fits
library(aod)     ## for Wald tests
library(tidyr)   ## for faster data management

Create Data Sets

# library(devtools)
# install_github('jenniferthompson/ClusterBootMultinom')

nboot <- 1000 ## Set number of bootstraps

Using create.sampdata(),

boot.datasets <-
  create.sampdata( =,
                  id.var = 'id',
                  n.sets = ceiling(nboot * 1.25))
## Save to .Rdata file to save time on next run
     file = 'bootmulti_datasets.Rdata')

# load('bootmulti_datasets.Rdata')

Run Models on Bootstrapped Data Sets

Using multi.bootstrap():

mod.formula.string <- 'mod.formula <- \n as.formula(mental.tmw ~ age + rcvd.ster +\n  sevsepsis + sofa.mod + as.factor( +\n  rcs(marker, 3))'

mod.formula <- as.formula(gsub('\\)$', '',
                               gsub('mod.formula <- \n as.formula(', '',
                                    gsub('\n  ', '', mod.formula.string, fixed = TRUE),
                                    fixed = TRUE)))

Run Models on Bootstrapped Data Sets

## Run with Normal as reference level
boot.models.n <-
  multi.bootstrap( =,
      ## original data set
    data.sets = boot.datasets,
      ## list of bootstrapped data sets
    ref.outcome = grep('Normal', levels($mental.tmw)),
      ## outcome level to use as reference
    multi.form = mod.formula,
      ## model formula
    n.boot = nboot,
      ## number of successful model fits desired
    xvar = 'Marker')
      ## text for status updates

Returns list: model fit on original data; list of r nboot successful model fits; number of times model failed to converge

# Run with Comatose as reference level
boot.models.c <-
  multi.bootstrap( =,
                  data.sets = boot.datasets,
                  ref.outcome = grep('Comatose', levels($mental.tmw)),
                  multi.form = mod.formula,
                  n.boot = nboot,
                  xvar = 'Marker')

## Get outcome comparisons for model sets to pass to plotting functions
get.out.comp <- function(org.mod){
  lapply(org.mod@misc$predictors.names, FUN = function(x){
    tmp <- strsplit(gsub('][\\)]*', '', gsub('[log\\(]*mu\\[,', '', x)), '/')
    return(paste(unlist(lapply(tmp, FUN = function(y){ levels($mental.tmw)[as.numeric(y)] })),
                 collapse = ' vs. '))

out.comp.n <- get.out.comp(boot.models.n$org.model)
out.comp.c <- get.out.comp(boot.models.c$org.model)
## Keep only coefficients, as lists; create coefficient and vcov matrices
boot.coefs.n <-
         FUN = function(x){ return(x@coefficients) })
boot.matrix.n <-'rbind', boot.coefs.n)
boot.vcov.n <- var(boot.matrix.n)

boot.coefs.c <-
         FUN = function(x){ return(x@coefficients) })
boot.matrix.c <-'rbind', boot.coefs.c)
boot.vcov.c <- var(boot.matrix.c)

## Save original model fits
org.mod.n <- boot.models.n$org.model
org.mod.c <- boot.models.c$org.model
save(org.mod.n, boot.matrix.n, boot.vcov.n,
     org.mod.c, boot.matrix.c, boot.vcov.c,
     file = 'boot_orgmodcoefs.Rdata')

# load('boot_orgmodcoefs.Rdata')

Check Distribution of Coefficients using boot.coef.plot()

## Histograms of bootstrapped coefficients
## Add reference lines for original and mean of bootstrapped coefficients

coefplot.n <- boot.coef.plot(coef.matrix = boot.matrix.n,
                             org.coefs = org.mod.n@coefficients,
                             plot.ints = FALSE)
coefplot.n$coef.plot + ggtitle('Reference = Normal')
# coefplot.c <- boot.coef.plot(coef.matrix = boot.matrix.c,
#                              org.coefs = org.mod.c@coefficients,
#                              plot.ints = TRUE)
# coefplot.c$coef.plot + ggtitle('Reference = Comatose')

Calculate Odds Ratios

Use multi.plot.ors() to show ORs, 95% CIs for each outcome comparison.

## Setup: Create data frame of variable labels to use in plots
or.labels <- data.frame(variable = c('age', 'rcvd.ster', 'sevsepsisSeverely septic today',
                                     'sofa.mod', 'as.factor(',
                        var.label = c('Age at enrollment',
                                      'Received steroid',
                                      'Severe sepsis',
                                      'Modified SOFA',
                                      'Study day 3 vs 1',
                                      'Study day 5 vs 1'))

# source('get_or_results.R')
# source('multi_plot_ors.R')
## Plot odds ratios and CIs for non-biomarker variables
covariate.ors <-
    coef.list = list(boot.matrix.n, boot.matrix.c),
      ## List of matrices with bootstrapped coefs = or.labels,
      ## data frame containing labels for each variable
    remove.vars = 'marker',
      ## this plot is just for confounders
    round.vars = 'age', round.digits = 3,
      ## round results for age to 3 instead of 2 places
    out.strings.list = list(out.comp.n, out.comp.c),
      ## list of strings describing comparisons
    delete.row = 'Normal vs. Comatose')
      ## One comparison will be redundant

Returns list: data frame with numeric results, ggplot2 object showing results


Create Design Matrices

## Function to find mode of categorical variable
get.mode <- function(mode.var){ return(names(which.max(table(mode.var)))) }

## Create vector of adjustment values
adjvals <-
  c(1,                                                                    ## Intercept
    median($age, na.rm = TRUE),                                  ## Age
    as.numeric(get.mode($rcvd.ster)),                            ## Steroid use
    grep(get.mode($sevsepsis), levels($sevsepsis)) - 1, ## Severe sepsis
    median($sofa.mod, na.rm = TRUE),                             ## SOFA
    0, 0)                                                                 ## Study day = 1

## Create two rows, one for "outcome 1" and one for "outcome 2"
## Rows will later be repeated * number of unique biomarker values
design.out1 <- unlist(lapply(1:(length(adjvals)*2), FUN = function(i){
  if(i %% 2 == 1){ adjvals[i %/% 2 + 1] } else{ 0 } }))
design.out2 <- unlist(lapply(1:(length(adjvals)*2), FUN = function(i){
  if(i %% 2 == 0){ adjvals[i %/% 2] } else{ 0 } }))

To get predicted probabilities for outcomes vs. a continuous covariate, we need to adjust all other covariates to specific values.

rbind(design.out1, design.out2)

Calculate & Plot Predicted Probabilities, CIs of Each Mental Status by Marker Level

# source('calc_spline.R')
# source('multi_calcppci.R')
# source('multi_plot_probs.R')
## Predicted probabilities for
##  outcome levels vs. biomarker
marker.prob.results <-
    xval = 'marker',
    data.set =,
    design.mat = list(design.out1, design.out2),
    mod.objs = list(boot.models.n$org.model,
    coef.list = list(boot.matrix.n,
    vcov.list = list(boot.vcov.n,

Returns list: data frame with numeric results, ggplot2 object showing results


Simulation Study


## Initialize number of patients, response categories, repeated measures per patient
npts <- 500
ncats <- 4
ntimes <- 3

## Initialize beta coefficients - keep it simple!
betas0 <- c(rep(1, ncats - 1), 0)
betas1 <- c(rep(2, ncats - 1), 0)

## Set correlation matrix
cormat <- toeplitz(c(1, rep(0, ncats - 1), rep(c(0.9, rep(0, (ncats - 1))), ntimes - 1)))

xmat <- matrix(rnorm(npts, 2.5, 3), npts, ncats)

lpmat <- matrix(betas1, npts, ncats, byrow = TRUE) * xmat + matrix(betas0, npts, ncats, byrow = TRUE)
lpmat <- matrix(lpmat, npts, ncats * ntimes)

yvals <- rmult.bcl(clsize = ntimes, ncategories = ncats, lin.pred = lpmat, cor.matrix = cormat)$Ysim

data <- data.frame(cbind(c(t(yvals)), c(t(xmat[,-ncats]))))
data$id <- rep(1:npts, each = ntimes)
data$time <- rep(1:ntimes, npts)
colnames(data) <- c("y","x","id","time")

Model Convergence

Proportions of models which did not converge:

Method | N = 50 | N = 150 | N = 500 ------------------- |:------:|:-------:|:------: nomLORgee() | 0.49 | 0.18 | 0.08 vglm() | 0.14 | 0.01 | 0.01 Clustered bootstrap | 0.33 | 0.03 | 0.01

Relative Efficiency, Bias & CIs

Combined results

Future Work & Acknowledgements

jenniferthompson/ClusterBootMultinom documentation built on May 19, 2019, 4:03 a.m.