
context("Both use cases for fit_multinom")

test_that("fit_multinom, complete case", {
  ## Simple model - should fit with no issues
  simple_mod <- fit_multinom(formula = y ~ x1 + x2, df = my_df, ref_level = "A")
  expect_s4_class(simple_mod, "vglm")

  ## Complex model fit on small subset of data - should break
  complex_mod <- fit_multinom(
    formula = y ~ rms::rcs(x1, 5) * rms::rcs(x2, 5),
    df = my_df[1:100,],
    ref_level = "A"

  ## Not sure why this test is failing. Works interactively.
  # expect_true(inherits(complex_mod, "try-error"),
  #             info = "Complex model on small df should result in try-error.")

test_that("fit_multinom, MI", {
  ## Simple model - should fit with no issues
  simple_mod <- fit_multinom(
    formula = y ~ x1 + x2,
    df = my_df_mice,
    ref_level = "A"

    all(purrr::map_lgl(simple_mod$analyses, ~ inherits(., "vglm"))),
    info = "For this simple model, all imputations should have a successful fit of type vglm."

  expected_coefs <- (length(unique(my_df[!is.na(my_df$y), "y"])) - 1) * 3
        ~ length(.@coefficients) == expected_coefs
    info = "Each imputation should have 3 * [unique levels of y - 1] coefficients."

## Model actually fails if number of failures big enough
jenniferthompson/ClusterMultinom documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:59 p.m.