
## the point of this is to create a sheet based on gapminder but that is quite
## small


## damn you render and your hard-wiring of wd = dir where file lives!
## if I don't commit this abomination, existing .httr-oauth cannot be found :(
if (getwd() %>% basename == "data-for-demo") {

## "make clean"
delete_ss(regex = "^test-gs-mini-gapminder$")

## Sheets found and slated for deletion:
## test-gs-mini-gapminder
## Success. All moved to trash in Google Drive.

gap_ss <- new_ss("test-gs-mini-gapminder")

## Sheet "test-gs-mini-gapminder" created in Google Drive.
## Identifying info is a googlesheet object; googlesheets will re-identify the sheet based on sheet key.
## Sheet identified!
## sheet_title: test-gs-mini-gapminder
## sheet_key: 1Hm4HCrI0UsN0eVFXbRHY9JI4Lhdy8HWE8qevZzGmWDs

l_ply(levels(gapminder$continent), add_ws, ss = gap_ss)

## Worksheet "Africa" added to sheet "test-gs-mini-gapminder".
## Worksheet "Americas" added to sheet "test-gs-mini-gapminder".
## Worksheet "Asia" added to sheet "test-gs-mini-gapminder".
## Worksheet "Europe" added to sheet "test-gs-mini-gapminder".
## Worksheet "Oceania" added to sheet "test-gs-mini-gapminder".

gap_ss <- gap_ss %>% delete_ws("Sheet1")

## Accessing worksheet titled "Sheet1"
## Worksheet "Sheet1" deleted from sheet "test-gs-mini-gapminder".


##                   Spreadsheet title: test-gs-mini-gapminder
##   Date of googlesheets::register_ss: 2015-04-25 18:17:30 GMT
##     Date of last spreadsheet update: 2015-04-25 18:17:29 GMT
##                          visibility: private
## Contains 5 worksheets:
## (Title): (Nominal worksheet extent as rows x columns)
## Africa: 1000 x 26
## Americas: 1000 x 26
## Asia: 1000 x 26
## Europe: 1000 x 26
## Oceania: 1000 x 26
## Key: 1Hm4HCrI0UsN0eVFXbRHY9JI4Lhdy8HWE8qevZzGmWDs

upload_times <- llply(levels(gapminder$continent), function(ct) {
  gap_ss %>%
    edit_cells(ws = ct,
               input = gapminder %>%
                 filter(continent == ct) %>%
                 arrange(year) %>%
               header = TRUE, trim = TRUE) %>%

## Range affected by the update: "A1:F6"
## Worksheet "Africa" successfully updated with 36 new value(s).
## Accessing worksheet titled "Africa"
## Worksheet "Africa" dimensions changed to 6 x 6.
## Range affected by the update: "A1:F6"
## Worksheet "Americas" successfully updated with 36 new value(s).
## Accessing worksheet titled "Americas"
## Worksheet "Americas" dimensions changed to 6 x 6.
## Range affected by the update: "A1:F6"
## Worksheet "Asia" successfully updated with 36 new value(s).
## Accessing worksheet titled "Asia"
## Worksheet "Asia" dimensions changed to 6 x 6.
## Range affected by the update: "A1:F6"
## Worksheet "Europe" successfully updated with 36 new value(s).
## Accessing worksheet titled "Europe"
## Worksheet "Europe" dimensions changed to 6 x 6.
## Range affected by the update: "A1:F6"
## Worksheet "Oceania" successfully updated with 36 new value(s).
## Accessing worksheet titled "Oceania"
## Worksheet "Oceania" dimensions changed to 6 x 6.

slow <- data_frame(continent = levels(gapminder$continent),
                   rows = gapminder %>%
                     group_by(continent) %>%
                     tally() %>%
                   time = upload_times %>% sapply(`[[`,"elapsed"),
           tpr = time/rows)


## Source: local data frame [5 x 4]
##   continent rows  time        tpr
## 1    Africa  624 7.804 0.01250641
## 2  Americas  300 7.604 0.02534667
## 3      Asia  396 7.472 0.01886869
## 4    Europe  360 7.185 0.01995833
## 5   Oceania   24 6.853 0.28554167


## [1] 36.918

gap_ss <- gap_ss %>% register_ss()

## Identifying info is a googlesheet object; googlesheets will re-identify the sheet based on sheet key.
## Sheet identified!
## sheet_title: test-gs-mini-gapminder
## sheet_key: 1Hm4HCrI0UsN0eVFXbRHY9JI4Lhdy8HWE8qevZzGmWDs


##                   Spreadsheet title: test-gs-mini-gapminder
##   Date of googlesheets::register_ss: 2015-04-25 18:18:08 GMT
##     Date of last spreadsheet update: 2015-04-25 18:18:05 GMT
##                          visibility: private
## Contains 5 worksheets:
## (Title): (Nominal worksheet extent as rows x columns)
## Africa: 6 x 6
## Americas: 6 x 6
## Asia: 6 x 6
## Europe: 6 x 6
## Oceania: 6 x 6
## Key: 1Hm4HCrI0UsN0eVFXbRHY9JI4Lhdy8HWE8qevZzGmWDs

jennybc/googlesheets documentation built on Feb. 8, 2022, 11:48 p.m.