
reprex() works with code that deals with srcrefs

[1] "``` r"                                                    
[2] "utils::getParseData(parse(text = 'a'))"                   
[3] "#>   line1 col1 line2 col2 id parent  token terminal text"
[4] "#> 1     1    1     1    1  1      3 SYMBOL     TRUE    a"
[5] "#> 3     1    1     1    1  3      0   expr    FALSE"     
[6] "```"

reprex() errors for an R crash, by default

  code <- "utils::getFromNamespace(\"crash\", \"callr\")()\n"
  reprex(input = code)
  Error in `reprex_render()`:
  ! This reprex appears to crash R. Call `reprex()` again with `std_out_err = TRUE` to get more info.

jennybc/reprex documentation built on Jan. 12, 2024, 9:33 p.m.