
Simulating direct observation procedures for single-case studies

A common problem when designing a single-case study is determining how to measure the target outcome. For measuring a behavior through direct observation, you might need to answer the following questions:

The ARPsimulator is a tool for helping you make more principled decisions about these questions. The tool generates simulated behavioral observation data using a realistic statistical model, called the Alternating Renewal Process, which allows you to experiment and test out different measurement strategies before collecting data on real live behaviors in the field. The simulation results are displayed in a single-case graph, just as you would see in a published article (though of course, the data are only hypothetical). Alternately, the results can be displayed as a plot of the distribution of effect sizes that could be observed in the study.

In order to use the tool, you'll need to make some initial guesses about the characteristics of the behavior and how it might change in response to treatment. You'll also need to know what type of study you plan to conduct (i.e., a multiple baseline design or a treatment reversal design). The remainder of this guide will walk you through how to use the tool.

jepusto/ARPobservation documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 8:03 p.m.