



hal: A pure R implementation


hal9000: An Rcpp implementation

```{Rcpp, ref.label=knitr::all_rcpp_labels(), cache=TRUE, include=FALSE} // [[Rcpp::depends(RcppEigen)]]


include "mangolassi_types.h"

using namespace Rcpp;

```{Rcpp dedupe, eval=FALSE}
// returns an index vector indicating index of first copy of column for each X
// [[Rcpp::export]]
IntegerVector index_first_copy(const MSpMat& X){
  int p = X.cols();

  ColMap col_map;
  IntegerVector copy_index(p);

  for (int j = 0; j < p; j++){
    MSpMatCol current_col(X, j);

    ColMap::iterator match = col_map.lower_bound(current_col);
    if (match != col_map.end() && !(col_map.key_comp()(current_col, match -> first)))
      // column already exists
      copy_index[j] = match -> second + 1;  // just using 1-indexing
    } else {
      // column not yet in map
      col_map.insert(match, ColMap::value_type(current_col, j));
      copy_index[j] = j + 1;  //just using 1-indexing

// returns true iff col_1 is strictly less than col_2 in the ordering scheme
// [[Rcpp::export]]
bool column_compare(const MSpMat& X, int col_1, int col_2) {
  ColMap cmap;
  MSpMatCol X_1(X, col_1);
  MSpMatCol X_2(X, col_2);
  return(cmap.key_comp()(X_1, X_2));

// ORs the columns of X listed in cols and places the result in column col[1]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void or_duplicate_columns(MSpMat& X, const IntegerVector& cols) {
  int first = cols[0] - 1;  //cols is 1-indexed
  int p_cols = cols.length();
  int n = X.rows();
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    if(X.coeffRef(i, first) == 1) {
      continue;  // this is already 1

    //search remaining columns for 1, inserting into first if found
    for (int j = 1; j < p_cols; j++) {
      int j_col = cols[j] - 1;  //cols is 1-indexed
      if (X.coeffRef(i, j_col) == 1) {
        X.coeffRef(i, j_col) = 1;

```{Rcpp lassi-1, eval=FALSE} // [[Rcpp::export]] NumericVector lassi_predict(MSpMat X, NumericVector beta) { int n = X.rows(); NumericVector pred(n, beta[0]); // initialize with intercept int k = 0; double current_beta;

for (k = 0; k < X.outerSize(); ++k) { current_beta = beta[k + 1];

for (MInIterMat it_(X, k); it_; ++it_) {
  pred[it_.row()] += current_beta;

} return(pred); }

double soft_threshold(double beta, double lambda) { if (beta > lambda) { beta -= lambda; } else if (beta < -1*lambda) { beta += lambda; } else { beta = 0; } return(beta); }

_Code for coordinate descent:_
based on
TODO: implement scaling and centering:
Coordinate descent is ideally set up to exploit such sparsity, in an obvious
way. The O(N) inner-product operations in either the naive or covariance
updates can exploit the sparsity, by summing over only the non-zero entries.
Note that in this case scaling of the variables will not alter the sparsity,
but centering will. So scaling is performed up front, but the centering is
incorporated in the algorithm in an efficient and obvious manner.

```{Rcpp lassi-2, eval=FALSE}
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void update_coord(MSpMat X, NumericVector resids, NumericVector beta, double lambda, int j) {

  int n = resids.length();
  double beta_j = beta[j + 1];  //+1 for intercept
  double new_beta = 0;
  double resid_sum = 0;

  for (MInIterMat i_(X, j); i_; ++i_) {
    resid_sum += resids[i_.index()];

  new_beta = resid_sum / n + beta_j;
  new_beta = soft_threshold(new_beta, lambda);

  // if we changed this beta, we must update the residuals
  if (new_beta != beta_j) {
    // Rcout << "Changed beta " << j << std::endl;
    double beta_diff = new_beta-beta_j;
    for (MInIterMat i_(X, j); i_; ++i_) {
      resids[i_.index()] -= beta_diff;
    beta[j + 1] = new_beta;

void update_coords(MSpMat X, NumericVector resids, NumericVector beta, double lambda){
  //update coordinates one-by-one
  int k;
  for (k = 0; k < X.outerSize(); ++k) {
    update_coord(X, resids, beta, lambda, k);

  //update intercept to center predictions
  double mean_resid = mean(resids);
  resids = resids-mean_resid;
  beta[0] += mean_resid;

```{Rcpp lassi-3, eval=FALSE} // [[Rcpp::export]] NumericVector lassi_fit_cd(MSpMat X, NumericVector y, double lambda, int nsteps){ int p = X.cols(); NumericVector beta(p + 1); NumericVector resids = y-lassi_predict(X, beta);

int step_num = 0;

double mse = mean(resids*resids); double last_mse = mse; double ratio = 0;

for (step_num = 0; step_num < nsteps; step_num++) { last_mse = mse;

update_coords(X, resids, beta, lambda);
mse = mean(resids*resids);
ratio = (last_mse - mse) / last_mse;

Rcout << "Step " << step_num << ", mse " << mse << ", ratio " << ratio << std::endl;
if (ratio < 0.001) {

} return(beta); }

The following are functions to enumerate basis functions:

```{Rcpp hal-basis-1, eval=FALSE}
// populates a map with unique basis functions based on data in xsub
// values are thresholds, keys are column indicies
BasisMap enumerate_basis(const NumericMatrix& X_sub, const NumericVector& cols){
  BasisMap bmap;

  //find unique basis functions
  int n = X_sub.rows();
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    NumericVector cutoffs = X_sub.row(i);
    bmap.insert(std::pair<NumericVector, NumericVector>(cutoffs, cols));

returns a sorted list of unique basis functions based on columns in cols (so basis order=cols.length()) each basis function is a list(cols,cutoffs) X_sub is a subset of the columns of X (the original design matrix) cols is an index of the columns that were subsetted

```{Rcpp hal-basis-2, eval=FALSE} // [[Rcpp::export]] List make_basis_list(const NumericMatrix& X_sub, const NumericVector& cols) {

BasisMap bmap = enumerate_basis(X_sub, cols); List basis_list(bmap.size()); int index = 0; for (BasisMap::iterator it = bmap.begin(); it != bmap.end(); ++it) { List basis = List::create( Rcpp::Named("cols") = it -> second, Rcpp::Named("cutoffs") = it -> first );

basis_list[index++] = basis;

} return(basis_list); }

Functions to make a design matrix based on a list of basis functions

```{Rcpp hal-design-1, eval=FALSE}
// returns the indicator value for the basis described by cols,cutoffs for X[row_num,]
// X is the original design matrix
// row_num is a row index to evaluate
// cols are the column incides of the basis function
// cutoffs are thresholds
// [[Rcpp::export]]
bool meets_basis(const NumericMatrix& X, const int row_num, const IntegerVector& cols, const NumericVector& cutoffs) {
  int p = cols.length();
  for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
    double obs = X(row_num, cols[i] - 1);  //we're using 1-indexing for basis columns
    if (!(obs >= cutoffs[i])) {

```{Rcpp hal-design-2, eval=FALSE} // populates a column (indexed by basis_col) of x_basis with basis indicators // basis is the basis function // X is the original design matrix // x_basis is the hal design matrix // basis_col indicates which column to populate // [[Rcpp::export]] void evaluate_basis(const List& basis, const NumericMatrix& X, SpMat& x_basis, int basis_col){ int n=X.rows(); //split basis into x[1] x[-1] //find sub-basises //intersect

IntegerVector cols=as(basis["cols"]); NumericVector cutoffs=as(basis["cutoffs"]); for (int row_num = 0; row_num < n; row_num++) {

if (meets_basis(X, row_num, cols, cutoffs)) {
  //we can add a positive indicator for this row, basis
  x_basis.insert(row_num, basis_col) = 1;

} }

```{Rcpp hal-design-3, eval=FALSE}
// makes a hal design matrix based on original design matrix X and
// a list of basis functions in blist
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SpMat make_design_matrix(NumericMatrix X, List blist) {
  //now generate an indicator vector for each
  int n = X.rows();
  int basis_p = blist.size();

  SpMat x_basis(n,basis_p);

  List basis;
  NumericVector cutoffs, current_row;
  IntegerVector last_cols, cols;
  NumericMatrix X_sub;

  //for each basis function
  for (int basis_col = 0; basis_col < basis_p; basis_col++) {
    last_cols = cols;

    basis = (List) blist[basis_col];
    evaluate_basis(basis, X, x_basis, basis_col);



Future Work



jeremyrcoyle/mangolassi documentation built on Nov. 18, 2023, 6:22 p.m.