plot_extreme: plot_extreme

View source: R/plot_extreme.R

plot_extremeR Documentation



Graphs a line or bar plot of a row with the highest metric in a matrix, produced by daily_response or monthly_response functions. Bar plot is drawn for monthly_response(), while for daily_response, line plot is produced.


  title = TRUE,
  ylimits = NULL,
  reference_window = "start",
  type = "daily"



a list with three objects as produced by daily_response function


logical, if set to FALSE, no plot title is displayed


limit of the y axes. It should be given as ylimits = c(0,1)


character string, the reference_window argument describes, how each calculation is referred. There are three different options: 'start' (default), 'end' and 'middle'. If the reference_window argument is set to 'start', then each calculation is related to the starting day of window. If the reference_window argument is set to 'middle', each calculation is related to the middle day of window calculation. If the reference_window argument is set to 'end', then each calculation is related to the ending day of window calculation. For example, if we consider correlations with window from DOY 15 to DOY 35. If reference window is set to 'start', then this calculation will be related to the DOY 15. If the reference window is set to 'end', then this calculation will be related to the DOY 35. If the reference_window is set to 'middle', then this calculation is related to DOY 25.


the character string describing type of analysis: daily or monthly


A ggplot2 object containing the plot display


Example1 <- daily_response(response = example_proxies_1,
env_data = LJ_daily_temperatures, method = "lm", metric = "r.squared",
fixed_width = 90, previous_year = TRUE, row_names_subset = TRUE)
# plot_extreme(Example1)

Example2 <- daily_response(response = example_proxies_1,
env_data = LJ_daily_temperatures, method = "brnn",
metric = "adj.r.squared", lower_limit = 50, upper_limit = 55, neurons = 1,
row_names_subset = TRUE, previous_year = TRUE)
# plot_extreme(Example2)

# Example with negative correlations
LJ_daily_temperatures_subset = LJ_daily_temperatures[-c(53:55), ]
Example3 <- daily_response(response = data_TRW_1,
env_data = LJ_daily_temperatures_subset, method = "lm", metric = "adj.r.squared",
lower_limit = 35, upper_limit = 40, previous_year = TRUE, row_names_subset = TRUE)
# plot_extreme(Example3)

Example4 <- daily_response(response = example_proxies_1,
env_data = LJ_daily_temperatures, method = "lm",
metric = "r.squared", lower_limit = 30, upper_limit = 120, neurons = 1,
row_names_subset = TRUE, previous_year = TRUE)
# plot_extreme(Example4)

jernejjevsenak/dendroTools documentation built on April 23, 2024, 6:01 p.m.