Man pages for jeroenclaes/tweetCorp
tweetCorp: A package to work with Twitter corpora

addAgeGenderFunction to enrich a filtered corpus with Twitter users' most...
addTokenIdFunction to add a unique identifier for each token to a...
cleanupTextFunction to clean up common encoding issues
corpusStatisticsFunction to generate summary statistics for a Twitter corpus
fuzzyMatchFunction to perform approximate string matching in...
geocoderTitle 'geocoder': a function to geocode tweets by approximate...
GeoNamesGeoNames: function to create a geonames database file from...
logmessageSimple function to generate logs with timestamps
makeConcordanceFunction to create a concordance from a filtered corpus...
searchCorpusSimple example function to extract data from the corpus
SpanishNamesFunction to create a babynames statistics database for...
syntaxNetR'syntaxNetR' a basic R binding for Google SyntaxNet Parsey...
jeroenclaes/tweetCorp documentation built on May 27, 2019, 4:50 a.m.