mongo: MongoDB client

View source: R/mongo.R

mongoR Documentation

MongoDB client


Connect to a MongoDB collection. Returns a mongo connection object with methods listed below. Connections automatically get pooled between collection and gridfs objects to the same database.


  collection = "test",
  db = "test",
  url = "mongodb://localhost",
  verbose = FALSE,
  options = ssl_options()



name of collection


name of database


address of the mongodb server in mongo connection string URI format


emit some more output


additional connection options such as SSL keys/certs.


This manual page is deliberately minimal, see the mongolite user manual for more details and worked examples.


Upon success returns a pointer to a collection on the server. The collection can be interfaced using the methods described below.


aggregate(pipeline = '{}', handler = NULL, pagesize = 1000, iterate = FALSE)

Execute a pipeline using the Mongo aggregation framework. Set iterate = TRUE to return an iterator instead of data frame.

count(query = '{}')

Count the number of records matching a given query. Default counts all records in collection.

disconnect(gc = TRUE)

Disconnect collection. The connection gets disconnected once the client is not used by collections in the pool.

distinct(key, query = '{}')

List unique values of a field given a particular query.


Delete entire collection with all data and metadata.

export(con = stdout(), bson = FALSE, query = '{}', fields = '{}', sort = '{"_id":1}')

Streams all data from collection to a connection in jsonlines format (similar to mongoexport). Alternatively when bson = TRUE it outputs the binary bson format (similar to mongodump).

find(query = '{}', fields = '{"_id" : 0}', sort = '{}', skip = 0, limit = 0, handler = NULL, pagesize = 1000)

Retrieve fields from records matching query. Default handler will return all data as a single dataframe.

import(con, bson = FALSE)

Stream import data in jsonlines format from a connection, similar to the mongoimport utility. Alternatively when bson = TRUE it assumes the binary bson format (similar to mongorestore).

index(add = NULL, remove = NULL)

List, add, or remove indexes from the collection. The add and remove arguments can either be a field name or json object. Returns a dataframe with current indexes.


Returns collection statistics and server info (if available).

insert(data, pagesize = 1000, stop_on_error = TRUE, ...)

Insert rows into the collection. Argument 'data' must be a data-frame, named list (for single record) or character vector with json strings (one string for each row). For lists and data frames, arguments in ... get passed to jsonlite::toJSON

iterate(query = '{}', fields = '{"_id":0}', sort = '{}', skip = 0, limit = 0)

Runs query and returns iterator to read single records one-by-one.

mapreduce(map, reduce, query = '{}', sort = '{}', limit = 0, out = NULL, scope = NULL)

Performs a map reduce query. The map and reduce arguments are strings containing a JavaScript function. Set out to a string to store results in a collection instead of returning.

remove(query = "{}", just_one = FALSE)

Remove record(s) matching query from the collection.

rename(name, db = NULL)

Change the name or database of a collection. Changing name is cheap, changing database is expensive.

replace(query, update = '{}', upsert = FALSE)

Replace matching record(s) with value of the update argument.

run(command = '{"ping": 1}', simplify = TRUE)

Run a raw mongodb command on the database. If the command returns data, output is simplified by default, but this can be disabled.

update(query, update = '{"$set":{}}', upsert = FALSE, multiple = FALSE)

Modify fields of matching record(s) with value of the update argument.


Mongolite User Manual

Jeroen Ooms (2014). The jsonlite Package: A Practical and Consistent Mapping Between JSON Data and R Objects. arXiv:1403.2805.


# Connect to demo server
con <- mongo("mtcars", url =
if(con$count() > 0) con$drop()
stopifnot(con$count() == nrow(mtcars))

# Query data
mydata <- con$find()
stopifnot(all.equal(mydata, mtcars))

# Automatically disconnect when connection is removed

## Not run: 
# dplyr example

# Insert some data
m <- mongo(collection = "nycflights")

# Basic queries
m$count('{"month":1, "day":1}')
jan1 <- m$find('{"month":1, "day":1}')

# Sorting
jan1 <- m$find('{"month":1,"day":1}', sort='{"distance":-1}')

# Sorting on large data requires index
m$index(add = "distance")
allflights <- m$find(sort='{"distance":-1}')

# Select columns
jan1 <- m$find('{"month":1,"day":1}', fields = '{"_id":0, "distance":1, "carrier":1}')

# List unique values
m$distinct("carrier", '{"distance":{"$gt":3000}}')

# Tabulate
m$aggregate('[{"$group":{"_id":"$carrier", "count": {"$sum":1}, "average":{"$avg":"$distance"}}}]')

# Map-reduce (binning)
hist <- m$mapreduce(
  map = "function(){emit(Math.floor(this.distance/100)*100, 1)}",
  reduce = "function(id, counts){return Array.sum(counts)}"

# Stream jsonlines into a connection
tmp <- tempfile()

# Remove the collection

# Import from jsonlines stream from connection
dmd <- mongo("diamonds")

# Export

## End(Not run)

jeroenooms/mongolite documentation built on April 29, 2024, 6:16 a.m.