
Defines functions xsalsa20 salsa20 xchacha20 chacha20

Documented in chacha20 salsa20 xchacha20 xsalsa20

#' Stream Ciphers
#' Generate deterministic streams of random data based off a secret key and random nonce.
#' You usually don't need to call these methods directly. For local encryption
#' use \link{data_encrypt}. For secure communication use \link{simple_encrypt} or
#' \link{auth_encrypt}.
#' Random streams form the basis for most cryptographic methods. Based a shared secret
#' (the key) we generate a predictable random data stream of equal length as the message
#' we need to encrypt. Then we \link{xor} the message data with this random stream,
#' which effectively inverts each byte in the message with probabiliy 0.5. The message
#' can be decrypted by re-generating exactly the same random data stream and \link{xor}'ing
#' it back. See the examples.
#' Each stream generator requires a \code{key} and a \code{nonce}. Both are required to re-generate
#' the same stream for decryption. The key forms the shared secret and should only known to
#' the trusted parties. The \code{nonce} is not secret and should be stored or sent along
#' with the ciphertext. The purpose of the \code{nonce} is to make a random stream unique
#' to protect gainst re-use attacks. This way you can re-use a your key to encrypt multiple
#' messages, as long as you never re-use the same nonce.
#' @export
#' @useDynLib sodium R_stream_chacha20
#' @rdname stream
#' @aliases stream
#' @name Stream ciphers
#' @param size length of cipher stream in bytes
#' @param key secret key used by the cipher
#' @param nonce non-secret unique data to randomize the cipher
#' @references \url{https://libsodium.gitbook.io/doc/advanced/stream_ciphers/xsalsa20}
#' @examples # Very basic encryption
#' myfile <- file.path(R.home(), "COPYING")
#' message <- readBin(myfile, raw(), file.info(myfile)$size)
#' passwd <- charToRaw("My secret passphrase")
#' # Encrypt:
#' key <- hash(passwd)
#' nonce8 <- random(8)
#' stream <- chacha20(length(message), key, nonce8)
#' ciphertext <- base::xor(stream, message)
#' # Decrypt:
#' stream <- chacha20(length(ciphertext), key, nonce8)
#' out <- base::xor(ciphertext, stream)
#' stopifnot(identical(out, message))
#' # Other stream ciphers
#' stream <- salsa20(10000, key, nonce8)
#' stream <- xsalsa20(10000, key, random(24))
#' stream <- xchacha20(10000, key, random(24))
chacha20 <- function(size, key, nonce){
  .Call(R_stream_chacha20, size, key, nonce)

#' @export
#' @useDynLib sodium R_stream_xchacha20
#' @rdname stream
xchacha20 <- function(size, key, nonce){
  .Call(R_stream_xchacha20, size, key, nonce)

#' @export
#' @useDynLib sodium R_stream_salsa20
#' @rdname stream
salsa20 <- function(size, key, nonce){
  .Call(R_stream_salsa20, size, key, nonce)

#' @export
#' @useDynLib sodium R_stream_xsalsa20
#' @rdname stream
xsalsa20 <- function(size, key, nonce){
  .Call(R_stream_xsalsa20, size, key, nonce)
jeroenooms/sodium documentation built on May 14, 2024, 7:12 a.m.