Man pages for jerryzhujian9/bzR
bio Zhu's miscellaneous R functions

bz.installInstall a package from bioconductor
mart.genereturn a mart object representing...
mart.geneconvconvert from gene name to id, id to name, id to id
mart.geneinforetrieve human gene info from ensembl
mart.genesnpsretrieves a gene's all snps
mart.listLists available archived versions of Ensembl (hosts), marts,...
mart.snpreturn a mart object representing snp:hsapiens_snp
mart.snpinforetrieve human snp info from ensembl
snp.isnotbiallelicthe cols that are not biallelic
snp.recoderecode snps
jerryzhujian9/bzR documentation built on Jan. 10, 2022, 7:12 a.m.