
Defines functions cs_tooltip cs_h6 cs_h5 cs_h4 cs_h3 cs_h2 cs_h1

Documented in cs_h1 cs_h2 cs_h3 cs_h4 cs_h5 cs_h6 cs_tooltip

#' HTML Headers with tooltips
#' Shiny `tags$h()` functions with tooltips
#' @param ... Inputs to the header function
#' @param tooltip Tooltip text
#' @return A `tag` wrapped in a `div` element
#' @name tag_tooltip
#' @keywords internal

#' @rdname tag_tooltip
cs_h1 <- function(..., tooltip = NULL) {
  cs_tooltip(tags$h1(...), tooltip = tooltip)

#' @rdname tag_tooltip
cs_h2 <- function(..., tooltip = NULL) {
  cs_tooltip(tags$h2(...), tooltip = tooltip)

#' @rdname tag_tooltip
cs_h3 <- function(..., tooltip = NULL) {
  cs_tooltip(tags$h3(...), tooltip = tooltip)

#' @rdname tag_tooltip
cs_h4 <- function(..., tooltip = NULL) {
  cs_tooltip(tags$h4(...), tooltip = tooltip)

#' @rdname tag_tooltip
cs_h5 <- function(..., tooltip = NULL) {
  cs_tooltip(tags$h5(...), tooltip = tooltip)

#' @rdname tag_tooltip
cs_h6 <- function(..., tooltip = NULL) {
  cs_tooltip(tags$h6(...), tooltip = tooltip)

#' Add a tooltip to an HTML Element from `tags`
#' @param ... Elements to pass to `tags$div()`
#' @param tooltip Tooltip text - passed to the `title` of `tags$div()`
#' @return A `div` element
#' @keywords internal
cs_tooltip <- function(..., tooltip = NULL) {
  tags$div(title = tooltip, ...)
jesse-smith/covidscreen documentation built on June 15, 2022, 7:46 p.m.