Man pages for jesse-smith/covidsms
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

acns_date_updatedGet Modification Time of ACNS File from SFTP Server
archive_acns_uploadArchive Upload Data for ACNS System
archive_positiveArchive ACNS Upload
as_chr_asciiConvert Data to ASCII Character Representation
bind_acns_positiveBind Positive NBS Data to ACNS
check_new_smsCheck for New ACNS SMS File (ACNS_DAILY_OUT)
class-date_tbl'date_tbl': A 'tibble' with a 'date' Attribute
data-pathsPaths to Data on COVID-19 ("V:") Drive
detect_javaDetect Java Install Using Environment Variables
distinct_investigationDeduplicate Investigations
download_acnsDownload Current ACNS Data
download_addrDownload Address File from SFTP Server
download_sftpDownload File from SFTP Server
download_smsDownload ACNS_DAILY_OUT File from SFTP Server
filter_by_deathFilter Deaths from Positive NBS Tests
filter_by_residenceFilter Positive Records by Jurisdiction/County/State...
install_dialrInstall dialr and System Dependencies
install_javaInstall OpenJDK for Windows
is_chr_asciiTest that an Object is ACSCII Character Encoded
load_nbs_positiveLoad Positive Tests or Cases From NBS Snapshot File
load_new_positiveLoad New NBS Positive PCRs for a Given Date
load_positiveLoad PCR Positives from a Given Date with Investigations File...
magrittr-helpersMagrittr Pipe Helpers
mem_if_notMemoise a Function if Not Already Done
no_fmtStandardize vroom/readr 'col_spec's with No Format
parse_ltcf_addr1Parse 'ADDR1' Field to House Number + Street Name
path_smsPath to SMS File
pkey_nbsCreate Primary Key from an NBS ID
prep_acnsPrepare ACNS Data for Use in Case Assignment
prep_positiveTransform NBS Data to Format Necessary for Exporting to ACNS...
prep_positive-memoisedMemoised 'prep_positive()' Functions
read_fileRead Delimited/Fixed-Width/Excel File
read-memoisedMemoised 'read_file_delim()' Wrappers
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_tempRemove Temporary Variables from a Dataset
statesState Abbreviations and FIPS Codes
std_addrStandardize Addresses
std_ltcf_addr1Remove ZIP, State, and City from Long-Term Care Facility...
std_namesRe-Define 'std_names()' to Remove Trailing Initials
std_phoneStandardize Phone Numbers
test_dialrTest that the dialr Package Works
tidyeval-data'.data' Pronoun
tidyeval-walrus:= Operator
translate_acns_uploadTranslate ACNS Data into Format Upload-able to the ACNS...
translate_positiveTranslate Positive Case Variables to ACNS
upload_acnsUpload ACNS File to SFTP Server
upload_positiveUpload Positives in NBS to ACNS Data
validate_sms_dataValidate Data for Inclusion in the ACNS File
vroom_to_readxlConvert readr/vroom Column Specification to readxl Format
jesse-smith/covidsms documentation built on Dec. 25, 2021, 4:24 a.m.