
name: Bug Report about: Create a bug report to help us improve tidygeocoder title: '' labels: bug assignees: ''


Describe the bug. What is going wrong? What is the expected behavior?

What have you tried to resolve the issue? Updating your R packages to their most recent versions can sometimes resolve issues.

Steps to Reproduce

Include a small code example that someone else can run to reproduce the bug:


Post the results of devtools::session_info() :

If you don't have devtools installed you can install it with install.packages("devtools")

Your Contribution

Do you see a way to resolve the issue? If so, mention this here.

When you are ready, you can open a pull request with a suggested bug fix and tag this issue. See the developers notes for help: https://jessecambon.github.io/tidygeocoder/articles/developer_notes.html

jessecambon/tidygeocoder documentation built on Jan. 26, 2023, 4:03 p.m.