
### Maximum number of addresses/coordinates allowed in a batch query
### for each service
batch_limit_reference <- tibble::tribble(
  ~method, ~batch_limit,
  "census", 1e4,
  "geocodio", 1e4,
  "tomtom", 1e4,
  "here", 1e6,
  "mapquest", 100,
  "bing", 50,

### Minimum number of seconds required per query for each service
### to comply with usage guidelines.
# based on the usage limit of the service (free tier if there are multiple plans available)
# Stored value is SECONDS PER QUERY

min_time_reference <- tibble::tribble(
  ~method, ~min_time, ~description,
  "osm", 1, "1 query per second",
  "geocodio", 60 / 1000, "1000 queries per minute (free tier)",
  "iq", 1, "60 queries per minute (free tier)",
  "google", 1 / 50, "50 queries per second",
  "opencage", 1, "1 query per second (free tier)",
  "mapbox", 60 / 600, "600 queries per minute (free tier)",
  "tomtom", 1 / 5, "5 queries per second (free tier)",
  "here", 1 / 5, "5 queries per second (free tier)",
  "geoapify", 1 / 5, "5 queries per second (free tier)",

# The environmental variable name where an API key should be stored
# used by the get_key() function
api_key_reference <- tibble::tribble(
  ~method,     ~env_var,
  "geocodio",  "GEOCODIO_API_KEY",
  "iq",        "LOCATIONIQ_API_KEY",
  "google",    "GOOGLEGEOCODE_API_KEY",
  "opencage",  "OPENCAGE_KEY",
  "mapbox",    "MAPBOX_API_KEY",
  "here",      "HERE_API_KEY",
  "tomtom",    "TOMTOM_API_KEY",
  "mapquest",  "MAPQUEST_API_KEY",
  "bing",      "BINGMAPS_API_KEY",
  "geoapify",  "GEOAPIFY_KEY",

api_info_reference <- tibble::tribble(
  ~method, ~method_display_name, ~site_url, ~api_documentation_url, ~api_usage_policy_url,
  "osm", "Nominatim", "", "", "",
  "census", "US Census", "", "", "",
  "arcgis", "ArcGIS", "", "", "",
  "geocodio", "Geocodio", "", "", "",
  "iq", "Location IQ", "", "", "",
  "google", "Google", "", "", "",
  "opencage", "OpenCage", "", "", "",
  "mapbox", "Mapbox", "", "", "",
  "here", "HERE", "", "", "",
  "tomtom", "TomTom", "", "", "",
  "mapquest", "MapQuest", "", "", "",
  "bing", "Bing", "", "", "",
  "geoapify", "Geoapify", "", "", "",

usethis::use_data(batch_limit_reference, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(min_time_reference, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(api_key_reference, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(api_info_reference, overwrite = TRUE)
jessecambon/tidygeocoder documentation built on Jan. 26, 2023, 4:03 p.m.