Man pages for jessesadler/debvctrs
Tutorial for building S3 vectors with vctrs

arithmeticArithmetic operations for debvctrs
bases_checkChecks for bases attribute
bases_equalCheck that bases are equal for two deb-style vectors
cast-decimalCast to 'deb_decimal'
cast-lsdCast to 'deb_lsd'
comparisonEquality and comparison
convert-basesConvert bases of 'deb_lsd' and 'deb_decimal' vectors
deb_basesAccess the 'bases' attribute of a 'deb_lsd' object.
deb_convert_unitConvert the unit of 'deb_decimal' vectors
deb_decimalA decimalized class for pounds, shillings, and pence values
deb_is_decimalTest if an object is of class 'deb_decimal'
deb_is_lsdTest if an object is of class 'deb_lsd'
deb_lsdA class for pounds, shillings and pence values
deb_unitAccess the unit attribute of a 'deb_decimal' object.
debvctrs-packagedebvctrs: Tutorial for building S3 vectors with vctrs
dec_arithmeticArithmetic operations for deb_decimal
decimal_checkCheck for non-whole numbers in libra and solidus units
decimal_to_lsddeb_decimal to deb_lsd utility
format.deb_lsddeb_lsd format method for object printing
if_elsevctrs ifelse function
is_naturalCheck that bases are natural numbers
is_negativeCheck whether lsd value is positive or negative
lsd_checkChecks for deb_lsd functions
lsd_dividendDivision for deb_lsd and numeric
lsd_divisorDivision for numeric over deb_lsd
lsd_minusSubtraction for deb_lsd
lsd_multiplyMultiplication for deb_lsd and numeric
lsd_negateMake deb_lsd negative
lsd_normalizeNormalization path for positive values
lsd_normalize_negNormalization path for negative values
lsd_plusAddition for deb_lsd
lsd_to_decimaldeb_lsd to deb_decimal utility
mathematicsMathematical functions with deb_lsd vectors
multi-assignUnpacking assignment
new_decimalInternal constructor to create 'deb_decimal' type
new_lsdInternal constructor to create deb_lsd type
normalizeNormalize pounds, shillings, and pence
obj_print_footer.deb_decimalPrint footer with unit and bases
obj_print_footer.deb_lsdPrint footer with bases
should_be_intDeal with floating point problems
unit_hierarchyCoercion hierarchy for deb_decimal units
unit_wordPrint full name of unit in footer
vec_ptype_abbr.deb_decimalAbbreviated name for tibble columns
vec_ptype_abbr.deb_lsdAbbreviated name for tibble columns
jessesadler/debvctrs documentation built on June 14, 2021, 6:36 a.m.