
R clients to the Web of Science and Incites APIs

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Web of Science


# Save your WoS API username and password in environment variables
Sys.setenv(WOS_USERNAME = "your_username", WOS_PASSWORD = "your_password")

# Get session ID
sid <- auth()
# Query WoS to see how many results match your query
query <- 'TS = ("animal welfare") AND PY = (2002-2003)'
query_wos(query, sid = sid)
#> Matching records: 548
# Download data
pull_wos(query, sid = sid)
#> List of 9
#>  $ publication   :'data.frame':  548 obs. of  7 variables:
#>   ..$ ut       : chr [1:548] "WOS:000186387100005" ...
#>   ..$ title    : chr [1:548] "Farm animal welfare: The interaction of et"..
#>   ..$ journal  : chr [1:548] "Animal Welfare" ...
#>   ..$ date     : Date[1:548], format: "2003-11-01" ...
#>   ..$ doi      : chr [1:548] NA ...
#>   ..$ tot_cites: int [1:548] 37 15 ...
#>   ..$ abstract : chr [1:548] "Farm animal welfare has now been studied, "..
#>  $ author        :'data.frame':  1438 obs. of  7 variables:
#>   ..$ ut          : chr [1:1438] "WOS:000186387100005" ...
#>   ..$ author_no   : int [1:1438] 1 2 ...
#>   ..$ display_name: chr [1:1438] "Sandoe, P" ...
#>   ..$ first_name  : chr [1:1438] "P" ...
#>   ..$ last_name   : chr [1:1438] "Sandoe" ...
#>   ..$ email       : chr [1:1438] "" ...
#>   ..$ daisng_id   : int [1:1438] 193024 3304655 ...
#>  $ address       :'data.frame':  838 obs. of  7 variables:
#>   ..$ ut      : chr [1:838] "WOS:000186387100005" ...
#>   ..$ addr_no : int [1:838] 1 2 ...
#>   ..$ org_pref: chr [1:838] "University of Copenhagen" ...
#>   ..$ org     : chr [1:838] "Royal Vet & Agr Univ" ...
#>   ..$ city    : chr [1:838] "Frederiksberg" ...
#>   ..$ state   : chr [1:838] NA ...
#>   ..$ country : chr [1:838] "Denmark" ...
#>  $ author_address:'data.frame':  18 obs. of  3 variables:
#>   ..$ ut       : chr [1:18] "WOS:000208276800197" ...
#>   ..$ author_no: int [1:18] 1 2 ...
#>   ..$ addr_no  : int [1:18] 1 1 ...
#>  $ jsc           :'data.frame':  901 obs. of  2 variables:
#>   ..$ ut : chr [1:901] "WOS:000186387100005" ...
#>   ..$ jsc: chr [1:901] "Veterinary Sciences" ...
#>  $ keyword       :'data.frame':  2096 obs. of  2 variables:
#>   ..$ ut     : chr [1:2096] "WOS:000186387100005" ...
#>   ..$ keyword: chr [1:2096] "animal welfare" ...
#>  $ keywords_plus :'data.frame':  2020 obs. of  2 variables:
#>   ..$ ut           : chr [1:2020] "WOS:000179260700001" ...
#>   ..$ keywords_plus: chr [1:2020] "system" ...
#>  $ grant         :'data.frame':  1 obs. of  3 variables:
#>   ..$ ut          : chr "WOS:000208574800048"
#>   ..$ grant_agency: chr "Selcuk University Research Foundation"
#>   ..$ grant_id    : chr "2000/062"
#>  $ doc_type      :'data.frame':  642 obs. of  2 variables:
#>   ..$ ut      : chr [1:642] "WOS:000186387100005" ...
#>   ..$ doc_type: chr [1:642] "Article" ...


# Save your InCites developer key in an environment variable
Sys.setenv(INCITES_KEY = "your_key")
# Vector of UTs (publication identifiers) to get InCites data for
uts <- c("000272272000015", "000272366800025", "000272877700013")

# Download InCites data for those UTs
#>                      ut article_type tot_cites journal_expected_citations
#> 1.1 WOS:000272877700013           AA         1                        3.4
#> 1.2 WOS:000272366800025           AA         4                        4.3
#> 1.3 WOS:000272272000015           AA         3                        9.1
#>     journal_act_exp_citations impact_factor avg_expected_rate percentile
#> 1.1                      0.29          0.49                20         87
#> 1.2                      0.93          0.85                20         63
#> 1.3                      0.33          1.90                20         69
#>      nci esi_most_cited_article hot_paper is_international_collab
#> 1.1 0.05                  FALSE     FALSE                   FALSE
#> 1.2 0.20                  FALSE     FALSE                   FALSE
#> 1.3 0.15                  FALSE     FALSE                   FALSE
#>     is_institution_collab is_industry_collab oa_flag
#> 1.1                 FALSE              FALSE   FALSE
#> 1.2                 FALSE              FALSE   FALSE
#> 1.3                 FALSE              FALSE   FALSE

Web of Science and InCites

# Download WoS data
wos <- pull_wos('TS = ("dog welfare")', sid = sid)

# Download InCites data
#>                      ut article_type tot_cites journal_expected_citations
#> 1.1 WOS:A1996VH04300002           AA        19                     30.308
#> 1.2 WOS:000439855300030            L         0                      0.068
#> 1.3 WOS:000438259600009           AA         1                      1.186
#> 1.4 WOS:000438259600004           AA         1                      1.186
#> 1.5 WOS:000436270600004           AA         1                      0.321
#> 1.6 WOS:000435128900013            R         3                      2.000
#>     journal_act_exp_citations impact_factor avg_expected_rate percentile
#> 1.1                      0.63           1.5             19.20       22.8
#> 1.2                      0.00           2.0              0.11      100.0
#> 1.3                      0.84           1.6              0.21       12.5
#> 1.4                      0.84           1.6              0.21       12.5
#> 1.5                      3.12           1.7              0.15       11.5
#> 1.6                      1.50           1.6              0.40        1.5
#>      nci esi_most_cited_article hot_paper is_international_collab
#> 1.1 0.99                  FALSE     FALSE                   FALSE
#> 1.2 0.00                  FALSE     FALSE                   FALSE
#> 1.3 4.74                  FALSE     FALSE                   FALSE
#> 1.4 4.74                  FALSE     FALSE                   FALSE
#> 1.5 6.46                  FALSE     FALSE                   FALSE
#> 1.6 7.46                  FALSE     FALSE                    TRUE
#>     is_institution_collab is_industry_collab oa_flag
#> 1.1                 FALSE              FALSE   FALSE
#> 1.2                 FALSE              FALSE   FALSE
#> 1.3                 FALSE              FALSE   FALSE
#> 1.4                 FALSE              FALSE   FALSE
#> 1.5                 FALSE              FALSE    TRUE
#> 1.6                  TRUE              FALSE   FALSE

Learning more

jessicabeyer/wosr documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:03 a.m.