Man pages for jewellsean/LZeroSpikeInference
Exact Spike Train Inference via L0 Optimization

cv.estimateSpikesCross-validate and optimize model parameters
estimateSpikesEstimate spike train, underlying calcium concentration, and...
LZeroSpikeInferenceLZeroSpikeInference: LZeroSpikeInference: A package for...
plot.cvSpikePlot mean squared error vs. tuning parameter from the...
plot.estimatedSpikesPlot the solution to an L0 segmentation problem
plot.simdataPlot simulated data
print.cvSpikePrint CV results
print.estimatedSpikesPrint estimated spikes
print.simdataPrint simulated data
simulateAR1Simulate fluorescence trace based on simple AR(1) generative...
jewellsean/LZeroSpikeInference documentation built on May 19, 2019, 7:16 a.m.