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Welcome to the distillery: a distill blog about building distill websites and blogs!

This site was built for the community of distill users to find ways to build and customize their sites and to inspire one another. If you have a distill website or blog, we would love to have it included in the distillery showcase! Have a post about ways to customize or add new features to your blog? We would love to have it included on the distillery tips & tricks page!

This is an inclusive community of blogs for everyone to learn from. Please, add yourself!

How to contribute

Add your distill site to the showcase:

Method 1

Open an issue and note your site name, the url to your site, and url to the source code and we'll add it to the showcase!

Method 2

If you're comfortable working with pull requests, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Add your site to the sites.csv in the root directory (include a name, url to the site, and url to the source).
  3. Open a pull request to include your changes!

That's it! Your site will be automatically added to the showcase, complete with a screen shot and the links to the site and source!

Add a post site to the tips & tricks page:

Open an issue and add a link to your post as well as a link to the post source code. We'll copy over the source files and rebuilt the post here, inserting the following attribution statement at the top:

> Note: This post was originally written by [name](link) and copied here on {date} - see the original post [here](link) for a potentially updated version.

List of sites in showcase:

sites <- read_csv("sites.csv")
sites %>%
    site = paste0("[site](", url, ")"),
    source = paste0("[source](", source, ")"),
  ) %>%
  select(name, site, source) %>%
  arrange(name) %>%

jhelvy/distillery documentation built on Feb. 22, 2023, 2:11 p.m.