Note: This post was originally written by Shannon Pileggi and copied here on December 21, 2021 - see the original post here for a potentially updated version.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, dpi=1)
#| fig.cap: > 
#|   Artwork by [`@allison_horst`]( Except in my case, I just needed 12 days of intermittent attempts.
#| fig.alt: > 
#|    R logo has a worried face; little puffball monster is sitting,
#|    looking grumpy, with hat in hand and caption that says "i just
#|    need a minute."


I made two modifications to my distill website and the corresponding GitHub repository:

  1. Added giscus commenting to my blog - this was fairly straightforward and completed within 1 to 2 hours.

  2. Added GitHub actions to automatically update the repository's README with blog stats - this took several attempts over the course of a few days.

Giscus commenting

Straightforward and completed within 1 to 2 hours.

Updating the commenting mechanism on my website from discus was something I had been meaning to do for a while, but held off on because you never know when a seemingly small change will take you down a rabbit hole.

I went for it, and thanks to Joel's awesome post Enable giscus in Distill{target="blank"} it was a pretty quick and easy process. πŸ™Œ


# GitHub Actions README

*Several attempts over the course of a few days.*

After the amazingly quick success of the giscus implementation, I was ready to tackle more! I thought a mini-project on my blog would be a nice entry point to learn GitHub Actions, and I decided to replicate Matt Dray's post [Up-to-date blog stats in your README]({target="_blank_"}. Between intricacies with both the `README` and the GitHub Action workflow `yaml`, this happened:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet">

<p lang="en" dir="ltr">

how is figuring out <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#rstats</a> github actions going, you ask? preeetttty well πŸ‘ <a href=""></a>


--- Shannon Pileggi (@PipingHotData) <a href="">December 3, 2021</a>


<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

I mean, sometimes you can skip reading documentation fully, make a few tweaks to your code, cross your fingers, and hope that everything works. GitHub Actions is probably not one of those things. 😬 Below are a few of the errors I suffered through to get this working; hopefully I can save you some of the pain!

GitHub Actions


After much perseverance and persistence, I prevailed with my first GitHub Action. πŸ’ͺ

#| fig.cap: > 
#|   Updated README file for the [`pipinghotdata_distill`]( 
#|   GitHub repository, with the stats section automatically 
#|   updated daily with GitHub Actions. 
#| fig.alt: > 
#|    The "some stats" section is automatically updated, including a rugline type
#|    graphic with a single vertical line on the date of a each post.

Perhaps reading the documentation more closely or slowing down to think through things might have worked better for this situation. If you want to have a laugh or or want to feel better about your own struggling efforts, browse through my 34 commits{target="_blank"} or check out the corresponding GitHub Action history{target="_blank"} Dec 1 - 12, 2021. Despite the frustration, I remain grateful for these experiences as I learned a lot.


So what happened after these changes?


One unexpected side effect of using giscus is all of the automatic notifications I receive about the discussion. I get notifications for:

  1. on my blog: all comments

  2. on blogs by others:

  3. replies to my comments

  4. all comments subsequent to mine, by anyone, as we are now all engaged in the same GitHub discussion.

The last one was a bit surprising to me, but I like it for now!

GitHub Actions

Now that I am using GitHub Actions on the README of my repository, I am no longer the only contributor to my repository! 😯 This means that when I open up my R project, I now need to remember to pull before I start working on my website.

In addition, despite my GitHub Actions working, I ran out of free time as shown in the workflow #39 error{target="_blank"}. 🀦 I guess I either need to figure out {pak} out with GitHub Actions to hopefully speed things up, or experiment less to get my actions right.πŸ˜†


Thanks to:

jhelvy/distillery documentation built on Feb. 22, 2023, 2:11 p.m.