
An R package to get gbif image stats from the api in order to look for good datasets for machine learning.


Need to install both of these R packages using devtools.


devtools::install_github("jhnwllr/gbifapi") # depends on some functions here

install.packages("tidyverse") # will probably avoid some dependecy issues


The following should return a table of frog image data stats.

Simple example for testing

Increase the Step and maxPages arguments in order to get more occurrences (more image data). Limited to 200,000 records. There is information on larger groups here.


getImageData(friendlyName="frogs",friendlyKey="952",Step=10,maxPages=2) %>% 
filter(taxonomicStatus == "ACCEPTED") %>% # get only ACCEPTED species
filter(rank == "SPECIES") %>% # only get for Rank SPECIES
addLicenseTranslation() %>%
summariseTable() %>%
filter(imageCount >= 1) %>% # only get species with more than n images
groupSummarise() %>%
filter(country == "world") %>% 
addPercentCoverage(globalOnly=TRUE) %>%
addWorldPercentage() %>% # adds through a different api
select(friendlyName,country,basisOfRecord,license,percentCoverage) %>%  

This should return a table looking something like this...

Since we only dowloaded 30 records, this table will be not very useful.

percentCoverage = ( totalSpeciesWithImages / totalSpeciesInCountry ) * 100

country can be the world as it is below.

 friendlyName country basisOfRecord    license                  percentCoverage
  <chr>        <chr>   <chr>            <chr>                              <dbl>
1 frogs        world   HUMAN_OBSERVATI~ only non-commercial use~           0.313
2 frogs        world   HUMAN_OBSERVATI~ total                              0.313

Real example (Frogs)

Below I do a real analysis:

This will take probably 5-10 minutes to download the data. But you can save the data at each step just in case something goes wrong using saveData.


saveDir = "C:/Users/ftw712/Desktop/image data friendly taxa/data/frogs/"

getImageData(friendlyName="frogs",friendlyKey="952",Step=100,maxPages=2000) %>% 
saveData(saveDir,fileName="imageData.rda") %>% # save the data from the most expensive step
loadData(saveDir=saveDir,fileName="imageData.rda") %>% # load that data from disk
filter(taxonomicStatus == "ACCEPTED") %>% # get only ACCEPTED species
filter(rank == "SPECIES") %>% # only get for Rank SPECIES
addLicenseTranslation() %>%
summariseTable() %>%
filter(imageCount >= 1) %>% # only get species with more than n images
groupSummarise() %>%
filter(country == "world") %>% 
addPercentCoverage(globalOnly=TRUE) %>%
addWorldPercentage() %>% # adds through a different api
select(friendlyName,country,basisOfRecord,license,percentCoverage) %>%  

Here I am skipping the expensive species counts for each country (in addpercentCoverage ) by using globalOnly=TRUE.

This should produce a table looking close to this:

  friendlyName country basisOfRecord     license                percentCoverage
   <chr>        <chr>   <chr>             <chr>                            <dbl>
 1 frogs        world   PRESERVED_SPECIM~ total                          23.4   
 2 frogs        world   HUMAN_OBSERVATION total                          18.6   
 3 frogs        world   HUMAN_OBSERVATION only non-commercial u~         17.6   
 4 frogs        world   PRESERVED_SPECIM~ commercial use allowed         13.4   
 5 frogs        world   PRESERVED_SPECIM~ only non-commercial u~         11.0   
 6 frogs        world   HUMAN_OBSERVATION commercial use allowed          6.18  
 7 frogs        world   UNKNOWN           only non-commercial u~          0.122 
 8 frogs        world   UNKNOWN           total                           0.122 
 9 frogs        world   FOSSIL_SPECIMEN   commercial use allowed          0.0136
10 frogs        world   FOSSIL_SPECIMEN   total                           0.0136


Hummingbirds analysis

hummingbird images on GBIF

saveDir = "C:/Users/ftw712/Desktop/image data friendly taxa/data/hummingbirds/"

getImageData(friendlyName="hummingbirds",friendlyKey="5289",Step=100,maxPages=2000) %>% 
saveData(saveDir,fileName="imageData.rda") %>% # save the data from the most expensive step
loadData(saveDir=saveDir,fileName="imageData.rda") %>% # load that data from disk
filter(taxonomicStatus == "ACCEPTED") %>% # get only ACCEPTED species
filter(rank == "SPECIES") %>% # only get for Rank SPECIES
addLicenseTranslation() %>%
summariseTable() %>%
filter(imageCount >= 1) %>% # only get species with more than n images
groupSummarise() %>%
filter(country == "world") %>% 
addPercentCoverage(globalOnly=TRUE) %>%
addWorldPercentage() %>% # adds through a different api
select(friendlyName,country,basisOfRecord,license,percentCoverage) %>%  

  friendlyName country basisOfRecord     license                 percentCoverage
  <chr>        <chr>   <chr>             <chr>                             <dbl>
1 hummingbirds world   HUMAN_OBSERVATION total                             53.3 
2 hummingbirds world   HUMAN_OBSERVATION only non-commercial us~           51.2 
3 hummingbirds world   PRESERVED_SPECIM~ total                             42.9 
4 hummingbirds world   PRESERVED_SPECIM~ commercial use allowed            39.9 
5 hummingbirds world   HUMAN_OBSERVATION commercial use allowed            23.0 
6 hummingbirds world   PRESERVED_SPECIM~ only non-commercial us~            5.23

Ants analysis

ant images on GBIF


saveDir = "C:/Users/ftw712/Desktop/image data friendly taxa/data/ants/"

getImageData(friendlyName="ants",friendlyKey="4342",Step=100,maxPages=2000) %>% 
saveData(saveDir,fileName="imageData.rda") %>% # save the data from the most expensive step
loadData(saveDir=saveDir,fileName="imageData.rda") %>% # load that data from disk
filter(taxonomicStatus == "ACCEPTED") %>% # get only ACCEPTED species
filter(rank == "SPECIES") %>% # only get for Rank SPECIES
addLicenseTranslation() %>%
summariseTable() %>%
filter(imageCount >= 1) %>% # only get species with more than n images
groupSummarise() %>%
filter(country == "world") %>% 
addPercentCoverage(globalOnly=TRUE) %>%
addWorldPercentage() %>% # adds through a different api
select(friendlyName,country,basisOfRecord,license,percentCoverage) %>%  
   friendlyName country basisOfRecord     license                percentCoverage
   <chr>        <chr>   <chr>             <chr>                            <dbl>
 1 ants         world   PRESERVED_SPECIM~ total                           61.4  
 2 ants         world   PRESERVED_SPECIM~ only non-commercial u~          61.2  
 3 ants         world   HUMAN_OBSERVATION total                            5.00 
 4 ants         world   HUMAN_OBSERVATION only non-commercial u~           4.64 
 5 ants         world   HUMAN_OBSERVATION commercial use allowed           1.74 
 6 ants         world   PRESERVED_SPECIM~ commercial use allowed           1.13 
 7 ants         world   UNKNOWN           total                            1.13 
 8 ants         world   UNKNOWN           only non-commercial u~           1.01 
 9 ants         world   FOSSIL_SPECIMEN   total                            0.489
10 ants         world   FOSSIL_SPECIMEN   only non-commercial u~           0.407
11 ants         world   FOSSIL_SPECIMEN   commercial use allowed           0.230
12 ants         world   UNKNOWN           commercial use allowed           0.141

jhnwllr/gbifimagedata documentation built on May 8, 2019, 7:40 a.m.