Man pages for jhollist/miscPackage
Package with JWHs Miscellaneous Functions

add_mirror_repoSets up a secondary git remote to push to
bbox_to_spsp bbox to poly
bibify_pkgsGenerate a bibliography of packages
break_text#@keywords internal add breaks to text
byterByte Converter
clsClear the consle
comp_interestCompound Interest
create_passwordCreate a new password
create_polyInteractively Create Polygon from active graphics device
dir_sizeReturn tibble with directory size
dir_sizesReturn tibble with directory sizes
download_shpfunction to download all available shapefile files from a URL
extract_spatialdefine an area on a spatial plot and extract selected polygon...
file_sizesReturn tibble with file sizes
find_packagesFind all packages mentioned in a file looks for all istances...
get_nlcdGet a NLCD from USGS LANDFIRE program
get_rstudiologGet RStudio Mirror logs
git_oopsGit oops...
holdoutSome tests of different cv techniques...
is_gitIs this a git repo
looLeave one out
one_drive_mirrorSet up path for a OneDrive remote
project_compareCompare projections
remove_coordsSimplifies a polygon by removing every n vertices
sys_perform_ioSpeed test for read and write
timertimer function a timer
update_pubsRead Google Scholar Profile and save citation counts to a...
word_countBreak lines of an input file
ww_boozeCalc ww points for booze
jhollist/miscPackage documentation built on March 3, 2024, 9:23 p.m.