
National Lake Morphometry Database

This repository serves as the intial codebase as I develop the tools to validate, access and share the National Lake Morphometry Database. The current plan is build this as an R Package and serve the data via OpenCPU with both API level access and a web App built on top of those functions.

Plans are: - include final, NLA 2007 validated lake morphometry as a csv - if possible include lake spatial data - not sure how to do this with open cpu as data seems to be what is accepted for R Packages. Perhaps .rda is best bet... - write functions that return data - getLakes - would return a specific lake or lakes, specified by COMID(s) - getExtent - return all lakes that fall within a specified extent - getHUC - return all all lakes within a specified HUC ID. Should be able to get this to work for any HUC spefication (2-digit up to 12-digit HUCs). Although time may be an issue with the larger HUCs. - getAttr - return all lakes that match a specific morphometric attribute. For instance, all lakes that are greater than 50ha or have Max Depth greater than 15m, etc. - develop www apps that expose these functions via a GUI - include download as (csv, geojson, tab, etc) option on web apps - include interactive mapping component to select download (maybe implement in later version)

jhollist/nlmd documentation built on May 19, 2019, 9:27 a.m.