Man pages for jhoupt/sft
Functions for Systems Factorial Technology Analysis of Data

assessmentWorkload Assessment Functions
assessmentGroupAssessment Functions
capacity.andCapacity Coefficient for Exhaustive (AND) Processing
capacityGroupCapacity Analysis
capacity.orCapacity Coefficient for First-Terminating (OR) Processing
capacity.ststCapacity Coefficient for Single-Target Self-Terminating...
dotsRT and and Accuracy from a Simple Detection Task
estimate.boundsBounds on Response Time Cumulative Distribution Functions for...
estimateNAHNeslon-Aalen Estimator of the Cumulative Hazard Function
estimateNAKNeslon-Aalen Estimator of the Reverse Cumulative Hazard...
estimateUCIPandUCIP Performance on AND Tasks
estimateUCIPorUCIP Performance on OR Tasks
fPCAassessmentFunctional Principal Components Analysis for the Assessment...
fPCAcapacityFunctional Principal Components Analysis for the Capacity...
mic_testTest of the Mean Interaction Contrast
sicCalculate the Survivor Interaction Contrast
sicGroupSIC Analysis for a Group
sic_testStatistical test of the SIC.
siDominanceDominance Test for Selective Influence
ucip_testA Statistical Test for Super or Limited Capacity
jhoupt/sft documentation built on Aug. 8, 2019, 7:49 p.m.