names-package: A package to data mine the information of Williams Graduates

Description Details


Package names
Type: Package
Version: 0.1
Date: 2017-02-12


The names package uses the graduation data of the senior class each year published in the Williams College Course Catalogs and reformats it into a data frame, so that the data can be easily manipulated. This is done for thirteen years from the Class of 2003 to the Class of 2015. The secondary component of this package creates different line graphs that display the proportions of Jewish people, and the level of merit received upon graduation.

The package contains a function readnames that takes in the text files of student data, and parses the characters in the file and stores the data of each individual student into a data frame. Moreso, during the construction of the data frame the last name of each student is checked for matches with common Jewish last names. If the student is matched, then the ethnicity of the student is considered Jewish. Using, this method, the successfulness of the Jewish population at Williams Campus can be measured and compared to non-Jewish students. The package also contains the datasummary function to better understand the data and provide graphics specifically focusing on the Jewish population on campus.

The package contains a single data frame studentdata. This data frame contains 7256 entries of students that have graduated form Williams since 2003 to 2015. Exact student names are provided, so one can search through the data frame to find information on specific students, or look for broader information like number of majors. Many interesting things can be interpreted from this dataset, and added onto this package.

jian13579/names documentation built on May 19, 2019, 9:29 a.m.