Varying-coefficient exponential random graph models (VCERGM) for dynamic networks

This package implements the VCERGM to dynamic networks. You can find our paper Varying-Coefficient Models for Dynamic Networks here.

Install the package 'VCERGM'

To install the package from Github, please use devtools::install_github('jihuilee/VCERGM').


The R code Example/[Code]Simulation.R 1) simulates a network, 2) produces the estimates of VCERGM and cross-sectional ERGMs, 3) plots the estimates, 4) computes the test statistic, and 5) generates bootstrap samples to calculate p-value.

The R code Example/[Code]Application.R replicates the political network data analysis presented in our paper.

jihuilee/VCERGM documentation built on Oct. 9, 2019, 5:23 p.m.