opt_dot_plot: Makes a line plot of the results from the optimization tests

Description Usage Arguments Value See Also

View source: R/opt_dot_plot.R


opt_plot creates a line plot with the results of the optimization tests.


opt_dot_plot(dat, value, facet = NULL, cols = NULL)



Dataset created from load_opt_data or with several datasets from load_opt_data combined with rbind.


Specifies which error metric should be plotted. This should be the name of a variable in the dataset, dat.


Specifies a faceting variable. The typical faceting variable is optimizer, but other options include data or method.


A color palette to use with the data. If it is not specified, the Dark2 palette from color brewer will be used.


Returns a parallel coordinate plot created by ggplot. The x-axis shows the different optimization methods used, the y-axis shows the standardized error rate for each dataset. Within each dataset, the optimization method with the largest loss is assigned a value of 1 and the smallest is assigned a value of 0. If a faceting variable is selected, standardization will be done regardless of the faceted variable. Standardizing is done within each dataset so each dataset should have a value of 1 and a value of 0 on the graph. Datasets that are all NA for an optimization method are denoted with a hollow circle and a value of 1.

See Also

load_opt_data, average_metric

jillbo1000/EZtuneTest documentation built on Oct. 5, 2021, 4:16 p.m.