Man pages for jimhester/covr
Test Coverage for Packages

as_coverageConvert a counters object to a coverage object
as_coverage_with_testsClean and restructure counter tests for a coverage object
azureRun covr on a package and output the result so it is...
clear_countersclear all previous counters
codecovRun covr on a package and upload the result to
code_coverageCalculate coverage of code directly
countincrement a given counter
count_testAppend a test trace to a counter, updating global current...
coverage_to_listConvert a coverage dataset to a list
coverallsRun covr on a package and upload the result to coveralls
covr-packagecovr: Test coverage for packages
covr.record_testsRecord Test Traces During Coverage Execution
current_test_call_countRetrieve the number of times the test call was called
current_test_indexRetrieve the index for the test in '.counters$tests'
current_test_keyBuild key for the current test
display_nameRetrieve the path name (filename) for each coverage object
environment_coverageCalculate coverage of an environment
file_coverageCalculate test coverage for sets of files
file_reportA coverage report for a specific file
function_coverageCalculate test coverage for a specific function.
gitlabRun covr on package and create report for GitLab
has_srcrefIs the source bound to the expression
in_covrDetermine if code is being run in covr
is_covr_count_callIs the expression a call to covr:::count
is_current_test_finishedReturns TRUE if we've moved on from test reflected in...
keyGenerate a key for a call
new_counterinitialize a new counter
new_test_counterInitialize a new test counter for a coverage trace
package_coverageCalculate test coverage for a package
percent_coverageProvide percent coverage of package
print.coveragePrint a coverage object
reportDisplay covr results using a standalone report
system_checkRun a system command and check if it succeeds.
system_outputRun a system command and capture the output.
tally_coverageTally coverage by line or expression
to_coberturaCreate a Cobertura XML file
to_sonarqubeCreate a SonarQube Generic XML file for test coverage...
trace_callstrace each call with a srcref attribute
truncate_callTruncate call objects to limit the number of arguments
update_current_testUpdate current test if unit test expression has progressed
valueRetrieve the value from an object
zero_coverageProvide locations of zero coverage
jimhester/covr documentation built on Aug. 16, 2024, 5:33 p.m.