Man pages for jinjinzhou/ITR.Forest
Building an ITR Tree

Build.RF.ITRBuilds the random forest of interaction trees
deFinds all decendants of a particular node in a tree. Used in...
gdataMSimulates data from an observational study according to the...
grow.ITRGrows a large interaction tree
itrtestValue function used for initial treatment heterogeneity...
itrtest2Value function used for initial treatment heterogeneity...
partition.ITRGenerates partition summary based on itr value. Used inside...
plot.VIPlots the variable importance measures. Requires an input of...
rdatSimulates data from an RCT according to the following model:...
send.down.VI.ITRSends testing data down a tree to assess the performance of...
Variable.Importance.ITRCalcuates variable importance measures for a random forest...
jinjinzhou/ITR.Forest documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:36 a.m.