
#' Health metrics of Americans.
#' The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) is
#' a recurring assessment of national health metrics. The survey combines
#' interviews with physical examinations and laboratory testing of
#' ~10,000 Americans (2013-14 results).
#' The variables are as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item SegID. Respondent ID.
#'   \item ExerciseType. Physical activily type.
#'   \item MinutesPerDay. Average daily exercise time in minutes.
#'   \item Gender. Person's gender.
#'   \item Age. Person's age in years (range).
#'   \item Ethnicity. Person's ethnicity.
#'   \item Education. Person's education level (range).
#'   \item NoChild. Number of children aged 5 years or younger in the household.
#'   \item NoTeen. Number of children aged 6-17 years or younger in the household.
#'   \item NoElder. Number of adults aged 60 years or older in the household.
#'   \item Income. Yearly total family income in dollars (range).
#'   \item Weight. Person's weight in kg.
#'   \item Height. Person's height in cm.
#'   \item BMI. Person's body mass index.
#'   \item Triglyceride. Person's triglyceride level in mgdL.
#'   \item LDLcholesterol. Person's LDL cholesterol level in mgdL.
#'   \item Pulse. Person's pulse.
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name survey
#' @usage data(survey)
#' @format A data frame with 10611 rows and 17 variables
jjankowiak/exploreNHANES documentation built on May 14, 2019, 2:07 p.m.