
#' @title State by year level US employment data
#' @description Annual averages series of employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population from BLS.
#' @format A data frame with ten variables:
#' * `fips` = "FIPS code",
#' * `state` = "State or area",
#' * `year` = "Year",
#' * `pop` = "Civilian non-institutional population",
#' * `clf` = "Total numer of people in civilian labor force",
#' * `pc_clf` = "Labor force participation rate (= labor force / population; Age: 16 years and over)",
#' * `emp` = "Total number of people employed",
#' * `pc_emp` = "Employment-population ratio (= employment / population; Age: 16 years and over)",
#' * `unem` = "Total number of people unemployed",
#' * `unem_rate` = "Unemployment rate (= unemployment / labor force; Age: 16 years and over)"
#' @source [http://www.bls.gov/lau/rdscnp16.htm]()

#' @title State by month level US employment data
#' @description Monthly series (seasonly adjusted) of employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population from BLS.
#' @format A data frame with ten variables:
#' * `fips` = "FIPS code",
#' * `state` = "State or area",
#' * `year` = "Year",
#' * `month` = "Month",
#' * `pop` = "Civilian non-institutional population",
#' * `clf` = "Total numer of people in civilian labor force",
#' * `pc_clf` = "Labor force participation rate (= labor force / population; Age: 16 years and over)",
#' * `emp` = "Total number of people employed",
#' * `pc_emp` = "Employment-population ratio (= employment / population; Age: 16 years and over)",
#' * `unem` = "Total number of people unemployed",
#' * `unem_rate` = "Unemployment rate (= unemployment / labor force; Age: 16 years and over)"
#' @source [http://www.bls.gov/lau/rdscnp16.htm]()

#' @title State by month level US employment data
#' @description Monthly series (not seasonly adjusted) of employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population from BLS.
#' @format A data frame with ten variables:
#' * `fips` = "FIPS code",
#' * `state` = "State or area",
#' * `year` = "Year",
#' * `month` = "Month",
#' * `pop` = "Civilian non-institutional population",
#' * `clf` = "Total number of people in civilian labor force",
#' * `pc_clf` = "Labor force participation rate (= labor force / population; Age: 16 years and over)",
#' * `emp` = "Total number of people employed",
#' * `pc_emp` = "Employment-population ratio (= employment / population; Age: 16 years and over)",
#' * `unem` = "Total number of people unemployed",
#' * `unem_rate` = "Unemployment rate (= unemployment / labor force; Age: 16 years and over)"
#' @source [http://www.bls.gov/lau/rdscnp16.htm]()

#' @title County-Year
#' @description Annual series of US county employment data
#' @format A data frame with ten variables:
#' * `laus_code` = "LAUS Code",
#' * `fips` = "County FIPS",
#' * `state_fips` = "State FIPS Code",
#' * `county_fips` = "County FIPS Code",
#' * `county` = "County Name",
#' * `state` = "State Abbreviation",
#' * `year` = "Year",
#' * `labor_force` = "Total numer of people in civilian labor force",
#' * `employed` = "Total number of people employed"
#' * `unemployed` = "Total number of people unemployed",
#' * `unem_rate` = "Unemployment rate (= unemployment / labor force; Age: 16 years and over)"
#' @source [https://www.bls.gov/lau/]()

#' @title County-Month
#' @description Monthly series (not seasonly adjusted) of employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population from BLS.
#' @source [https://www.bls.gov/lau/]()
jjchern/laus documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:38 a.m.