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The goal of brcities is to download Brazilian cities' indicators from the Brazilian National Institute of Geography and Statistics, aka IBGE. For the time being, it also downloads cities demographics from Fundação Seade in São Paulo. We hope to add more data from states's level government sources.

All available functions and datasets start with two letters indicating the source of the information. So if the Federal Government is the source, they start with br followed by and underscore and the remaining of the function name. Likewise, if the source is São Paulo, the function will start with sp. Once we add more sources from the states, all functions will start either with br_ or uf_ and the user will have to provide the name of the state.


You can install brcities from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


The br_city_indicators() function returns a tibble with the indicators from the state cities. A list of all indicators is at the end of this readme.


If you want data from São Paulo's state, check the documentation for sp_indicators() function. It provides lots of demographic indicators.


The package provides five datasets: br_city_code containing IBGE code for every Brazilian city along with the respective state code, and also each cities' latlong, br_state_code containing IBGE code for every federative unity (states + the federal district), br_indicators_code with the IBGE indicator's numbers, sp_place with São Paulo places (cities and regions) codes, and sp_variable with the variables (indicators) code to get demographics from São Paulo.

IGBE's indicators

There are 28 indicators put available by IBGE. You can load them by calling:


And also check them out right here:

indicator code year População estimada 29171 2017 População no último censo 25207 2010 Densidade demográfica 29168 2010 Salário médio mensal dos trabalhadores formais 29765 2015 Pessoal ocupado 29763 2015 População ocupada 60036 2015 Percentual da população com rendimento nominal mensal per capita de até 1/2 salário mínimo 60037 2010 Taxa de escolarização de 6 a 14 anos de idade 60045 2010 IDEB – Anos iniciais do ensino fundamental 60041 2015 IDEB – Anos finais do ensino fundamental 60042 2015 Matrículas no ensino fundamental 5908 2015 Matrículas no ensino médio 5913 2015 Docentes no ensino fundamental 5929 2015 Docentes no ensino médio 5934 2015 Número de estabelecimentos de ensino fundamental 5950 2015 Número de estabelecimentos de ensino médio 5955 2015 PIB per capita 47001 2015 Percentual das receitas oriundas de fontes externas 60048 2015 Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDHM) 30255 2010 Total de receitas realizadas 28141 2008 Total das despesas realizadas 29748 2008 Mortalidade Infantil 30279 2014 Internações por diarreia 60032 2016 Estabelecimentos de Saúde SUS 28242 2009 Área da unidade territorial 29167 2016 Esgotamento sanitário adequado 60030 2010 Arborização de vias públicas 60029 2010 Urbanização de vias públicas 60031 2010

jjesusfilho/cidades documentation built on May 17, 2019, 11:15 p.m.