knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

# params <- list()
# params$rbr_files <- '/media/jonathankennel/Seagate Expansion Drive/rbr_g360'
# params$rds_file <- '/media/jonathankennel/Seagate Expansion Drive/rbr_g360meta'
# fn_rbr <- parse_paths(params$rds_file,
#                     full.names = TRUE,
#                     pattern = '*.rds')
# rbr_old <- rbindlist(lapply(fn_rbr, function(x) readRDS(x)[,list(file)]))
# fn <- list.files(params$rbr_files, full.names = TRUE, pattern = '.rsk')
# fn <- fn[!basename(fn) %in% basename(unique(rbr_old$file))]
# fn_0 <- fn[file.size(fn) == 0]
# fn <- fn[file.size(fn) != 0]
# #fn[!basename(fn) %in% basename(list.files('/media/jonathankennel/Seagate Expansion Drive/rbr_g360meta/'))]
# tmp <- summarize_files(fn, 
#                        output_folder = '/media/jonathankennel/Seagate Expansion Drive/rbr_g360meta/')
if(!$rds_file)) {
  fn_rbr <- parse_paths(params$rds_file,
                    full.names = TRUE,
                    pattern = '*.rds')
  # rbr_old <- rbindlist(lapply(fn_rbr, readRDS))
  rbr_old <- rbindlist(lapply(fn_rbr, function(x) readRDS(x)[,list(file)]))

  #rbr_old <- readRDS(params$rds_file)

  fn <- parse_paths(params$rbr_files,
                    full.names = TRUE,
                    pattern = '*.rsk')
  # fn <- fn[!fn %in% unique(rbr_old$file)]
  fn <- fn[!basename(fn) %in% basename(unique(rbr_old$file))]

} else {
  fn <- parse_paths(params$rbr_files, 
                    full.names = TRUE,
                    pattern = '*.rsk')

# 081079_20181024_1813.rsk

# a <- setDT(
# a[, fn := fn]
# a <- a[ctime > as.POSIXct('2020-10-20', tz = 'UTC')]
# a <- a[!grepl('HBP5', fn)]
# a <- a[!grepl('GSTW3', fn)]
# a <- a[!grepl('GSMW2', fn)]
# fn <- a$fn

if(length(fn) > 0) {

  rbr_sum <- summarize_files(fn, 
                             output_folder = '/media/jonathankennel/Seagate Expansion Drive/rbr_g360meta/')

  # x <- "/media/kennel/Seagate Expansion Drive/rbr_g360/077923_20180815_1838.rsk"
  # a <- read_rbr(x)
  # x <- "/media/kennel/Seagate Expansion Drive/rbr_g360//077923_20180620_1553.rsk"

  # fn <- list.files(params$folder, pattern = '*.rsk', full.names = TRUE)
  # fs <- file.size(fn)
  # wh <- which(fs > 300000)
  # tmp <- rbr_start_end(fn[wh])
  # # 611, 1085
  # for(i in 1087:nrow(tmp)) {
  #   print(i)
  #   print(tmp$file[i])
  #   read_rbr(tmp$file[i], by = 3600)
  # }

  rbr_sum <- rbr_start_end(rbr_sum)

  rbr_sum[, max := vapply(data, function(x) max(x$max), FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))]
  rbr_sum[, min := vapply(data, function(x) min(x$min), FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))]

  calibration <- rbr_sum[, rbindlist(calibration), 
                         by = list(basename(file), serial, 
                                   start_date = as.Date(start), 
                                   end_date = as.Date(end), parameter)]

  # rbr_sum[, str(calibration[1]), list(file, type)]

  # if(!$rds_file)) {
  #   rbr_old <- rbr_start_end(rbr_old)
  #   rbr_old[, max := vapply(data, function(x) max(x$max), FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))]
  #   rbr_old[, min := vapply(data, function(x) min(x$min), FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))]
  #   rbr_sum <- rbind(rbr_old, rbr_sum)
  # } 

  # saveRDS(rbr_sum, '/media/kennel/Seagate Expansion Drive/rbr_g360meta/rbr_sum.rds')

} else {
  rbr_old <- rbr_start_end(rbr_old)
  rbr_old[, max := vapply(data, function(x) max(x$max), FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))]
  rbr_old[, min := vapply(data, function(x) min(x$min), FUN.VALUE=numeric(1))]

  rbr_sum <- rbr_old

  calibration <- rbr_sum[!, (calibration[[1]]),
                         by = list(file, serial,
                                   start_date = as.Date(start),
                                   end_date = as.Date(end), type)]



rows_picked <- 1:nrow(rbr_sum) #sample(nrow(rbr_sum), size = 500, replace = FALSE)
fns <- rbr_sum[rows_picked]$file
rbr_sum <- rbr_sum[file %in% fns]
setkey(rbr_sum, file)

wh <-$data, function(x) x$datetime))

rbr_table <- rbr_sum[!wh, list(serial,
                               start_date = as.Date(start),
                               end_date = as.Date(end),
                               dt = dt,
                               # n, 
                               # type,
                               # min = round(min, 3),
                               # max = round(max, 3),
                               ruskin = version,
                               file = basename(file))]

rbr_missing <- rbr_sum[wh, list(serial,
                               start_date = as.Date(start),
                               end_date = as.Date(end),
                               dt = dt,
                               # n, 
                               # type,
                               # min = round(min, 3),
                               # max = round(max, 3),
                               ruskin = version,
                               file = basename(file))]


This script reads rbr files in a folder and provides a summary of the datasets. This is primarily an organization tool to see examine what files exist. How many, and the total size of data.

RBR folder: r params$rbr_files

Temporal coverage

coverage <- unique(rbr_table[, list(file=basename(file), start_date, end_date)])
coverage <- coverage[start_date > as.Date('2012-01-01')]
start <- min(coverage$start_date, na.rm = TRUE)
end   <- max(coverage$end_date, na.rm = TRUE)
dates <- seq.Date(start, end, by = 1)

setkey(coverage, start_date)

nc <- length(dates)
nr <- nrow(coverage)
mat <- matrix(0.0, nrow = nr, ncol = nc)

for(k in 1:nr) {
  whh <- data.table::between(dates, coverage$start_date[k], coverage$end_date[k])
  mat[k, ] <- as.numeric(whh)

ax <- list(
  title = "",
  showticklabels = FALSE)

fig <- plot_ly(z = mat,
               x = dates,
               y = coverage$file,
               colors = viridis(4)[1:2],
               type = "heatmap", height = 700) %>%
  hide_colorbar() %>% layout(yaxis = ax)

File summary

setkey(rbr_table, start_date, units, serial)

DT::datatable(rbr_table, rownames = FALSE, filter = 'top', options = list(
  scrollX = TRUE
)) %>%
  DT::formatStyle(columns = colnames(rbr_table), fontSize = '75%')

Malformed and Unreadable files

DT::datatable(rbr_missing, rownames = FALSE, filter = 'top')%>%
  DT::formatStyle(columns = colnames(rbr_missing), fontSize = '75%')


rbr_sum <- rbr_sum[!wh]
fn <- unique(rbr_sum$file)
# fn <- fn[1:10]
for (i in seq_along(fn)) {
  p <- list()

  rbr_sub <- rbr_sum[file == fn[i]]
  # calibration_sub <- calibration[file == fn[i]]

  cat(paste0('## ', basename(fn[i]), ' {-}\n'))

  n <- nrow(rbr_sub)
  for (j in 1:n) {

    data <- rbr_sub$data[[j]]
    type <- rbr_sub$channel[j]
    p[[j]] <- plot_ly(data, x = ~datetime, y = ~median,
                      type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', 
                      name = 'median',
                      line = list(color = 'rgb(22, 96, 167)', width = 1.5)) %>%
      add_lines(x = ~datetime, y = ~max, name = 'max', 
                line = list(color = 'rgb(167,   22, 96, alpha = 0.5)', width = 1.5)) %>%
      add_lines(x = ~datetime, y = ~min, name = 'min', 
                line = list(color = 'rgb(167,   22, 96, alpha = 0.5)', width = 1.5)) %>%
      layout(showlegend = FALSE, yaxis = list(
        title = paste0(rbr_sub$type[j], 
                       ': ',


  s <- subplot(p, nrows = n, shareX = TRUE, titleY = TRUE)

  fnn <- gsub('.rsk', '', fn[i])
                          file = paste0(fnn, '.html'),
                          selfcontained = FALSE,
                          libdir = '_book/libs')

  # replace _book/libs with libs
  html_to_replace <- readLines(paste0(fnn, '.html'))
  html_new <- gsub('_book/libs', 'libs', html_to_replace)
  writeLines(html_new, paste0(fnn, '.html'))

  # insert iframe
  cat(paste0('<iframe src="', fnn, '.html"
        height="700" width="800" align="center"
        scrolling="no" seamless="seamless"



Calibration Info

DT::datatable(calibration, rownames = FALSE, filter = 'top', options = list(
  scrollX = TRUE
)) %>%
   DT::formatStyle(columns = colnames(calibration), fontSize = '80%')


Creation Date: r Sys.time()

Session Info


jkennel/transducer documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 9:45 a.m.