
Defines functions portion convert_tibble_of_matrices to_list_of_matrix

Documented in portion

#' Extract Finalized Training Set
#' As steps are estimated by `prep`, these operations are
#'  applied to the training set. Rather than running `bake`
#'  to duplicate this processing, this function will return
#'  variables from the processed training set.
#' @inheritParams recipes::bake.recipe
#' @param object A `recipe` object that has been prepared
#'   with the option `retain = TRUE`.
#' @details When preparing a recipe, if the training data set is
#'  retained using `retain = TRUE`, there is no need to `bake` the
#'  recipe to get the preprocessed training set.
#'  `portion` will return the results of a recipes where _all steps_
#'  have been applied to the data, irrespective of the value of
#'  the step's `skip` argument.
#' @export
#' @importFrom purrr is_empty
#' @importFrom rlang quos
#' @importFrom recipes fully_trained
#' @importFrom tidyselect everything
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @seealso [recipe()] [prep.recipe()] [bake.recipe()] [juice.recipe()]
portion <- function(object, ...) {
  if (!fully_trained(object))
    stop("At least one step has not been trained. Please ",
         "run `prep`.",
         call. = FALSE)
    stop("Use `retain = TRUE` in `prep` to be able to extract the training set",
         call. = FALSE)
  terms <- quos(...)
  if (is_empty(terms))
    terms <- quos(everything())
  keepers <- terms_select(terms = terms, info = object$term_info)
  new_data <- object$template[, names(object$template) %in% keepers]
  ## Since most models require factors, do the conversion from character
  ## Factor matrices are not supported therefore portion treats
  ## the result as a character matrix. A workaround is to use step_dummy or 
  ## leave as a character vector.
  # if (!is.null(object$levels)) {
  #   var_levels <- object$levels
  #   var_levels <- var_levels[keepers]
  #   check_values <-
  #     vapply(var_levels, function(x)
  #       (!all(is.na(x))), c(all = TRUE))
  #   var_levels <- var_levels[check_values]
  #   # need to replace strings2factors
  #   if (length(var_levels) > 0) {
  #     for (i in seq_along(var_levels)) {
  #       lcol <- names(var_levels)[i]
  #       print('here')
  #       new_data[, lcol] <- factor(as.character(getElement(new_data, lcol)),
  #                           levels = var_levels[[i]]$values,
  #                           ordered = var_levels[[i]]$ordered)
  #     }
  #   }
  # }
  convert_tibble_of_matrices(new_data, object$term_info)

convert_tibble_of_matrices <- function(x, term_info) {
  role_group <- split(term_info$variable, term_info$role)
  as_tibble(lapply(role_group, to_list_of_matrix, x = x))

to_list_of_matrix <- function(col_group, x) {
  return(as.matrix(select(x, col_group)))
jkennel/waterlevel documentation built on Dec. 1, 2019, 6:24 p.m.