
# ### Workflows
# ### In this file, there are a lot of functions form caret that are
# ### references using the explicit namespace operator (:::). For some
# ### reason, with some parallel processing technologies and foreach,
# ### functions inside of caret cannot be found despite using the
# ### ".packages" argument and calling the caret package via library().
# getOper <- function(x) if(x)  `%dopar%` else  `%do%`
# getTrainOper <- function(x) if(x)  `%dopar%` else  `%do%`
# progress <- function(x, names, iter, start = TRUE)
# {
#   text <- paste(ifelse(start, "+ ", "- "),
#                 names[iter], ": ",
#                 paste(colnames(x), x, sep = "=", collapse = ", "),
#                 sep = "")
#   cat(text, "\n")
# }
# MeanSD <- function(x, exclude = NULL)
# {
#   if(!is.null(exclude)) x <- x[, !(colnames(x) %in% exclude), drop = FALSE]
#   out <- c(colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE), sapply(x, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
#   names(out)[-(1:ncol(x))] <- paste(names(out)[-(1:ncol(x))], "SD", sep = "")
#   out
# }
# expandParameters <- function(fixed, seq)
# {
#   if(is.null(seq)) return(fixed)
#   isSeq <- names(fixed) %in% names(seq)
#   out <- fixed
#   for(i in 1:nrow(seq))
#   {
#     tmp <- fixed
#     tmp[,isSeq] <- seq[i,]
#     out <- rbind(out, tmp)
#   }
#   out
# }
# nominalTrainWorkflow <- function(x, wts, info, method, ppOpts, ctrl, lev, testing = FALSE, ...)
# {
#   library(caret)
#   loadNamespace("caret")
#   ppp <- list(options = ppOpts)
#   ppp <- c(ppp, ctrl$preProcOptions)
#   printed <- format(info$loop, digits = 4)
#   colnames(printed) <- gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(printed))
#   resampleIndex <- ctrl$index
#   if(ctrl$method %in% c("boot632"))
#   {
#     resampleIndex <- c(list("AllData" = rep(0, nrow(x))), resampleIndex)
#     ctrl$indexOut <- c(list("AllData" = rep(0, nrow(x))),  ctrl$indexOut)
#   }
#   `%op%` <- getOper(ctrl$allowParallel && getDoParWorkers() > 1)
#   pkgs <- c("methods", "caret")
#   if(!is.null(method$library)) pkgs <- c(pkgs, method$library)
#   result <- foreach(iter = seq(along = resampleIndex), .combine = "c", .verbose = FALSE, .packages = pkgs, .errorhandling = "stop") %:%
#     foreach(parm = 1:nrow(info$loop), .combine = "c", .verbose = FALSE, .packages = pkgs, .errorhandling = "stop")  %op%
#     {
#       testing <- FALSE
#       if(!(length(ctrl$seeds) == 1 && is.na(ctrl$seeds))) set.seed(ctrl$seeds[[iter]][parm])
#       library(caret)
#       if(ctrl$verboseIter) progress(printed[parm,,drop = FALSE],
#                                     names(resampleIndex), iter)
#       if(names(resampleIndex)[iter] != "AllData")
#       {
#         modelIndex <- resampleIndex[[iter]]
#         holdoutIndex <- ctrl$indexOut[[iter]]
#       } else {
#         modelIndex <- 1:nrow(x)
#         holdoutIndex <- modelIndex
#       }
#       if(testing) cat("pre-model\n")
#       if(is.null(info$submodels[[parm]]) || nrow(info$submodels[[parm]]) > 0) {
#         submod <- info$submodels[[parm]]
#       } else submod <- NULL
#       mod <- try(
#         createModel(x = x[modelIndex,,drop = FALSE ],
#                     wts = wts[modelIndex],
#                     method = method,
#                     tuneValue = info$loop[parm,,drop = FALSE],
#                     obsLevels = lev,
#                     pp = ppp,
#                     classProbs = ctrl$classProbs,
#                     ...),
#         silent = TRUE)
#       if(class(mod)[1] != "try-error")
#       {
#         predicted <- try(
#           predictionFunction(method = method,
#                              modelFit = mod$fit,
#                              newdata = x[holdoutIndex,, drop = FALSE],
#                              preProc = mod$preProc,
#                              param = submod),
#           silent = TRUE)
#         if(class(predicted)[1] == "try-error")
#         {
#           wrn <- paste(colnames(printed[parm,,drop = FALSE]),
#                        printed[parm,,drop = FALSE],
#                        sep = "=",
#                        collapse = ", ")
#           wrn <- paste("predictions failed for ", names(resampleIndex)[iter],
#                        ": ", wrn, " ", as.character(predicted), sep = "")
#           if(ctrl$verboseIter) cat(wrn, "\n")
#           warning(wrn)
#           rm(wrn)
#           ## setup a dummy results with NA values for all predictions
#           nPred <- length(holdoutIndex)
#           if(!is.null(lev))
#           {
#             predicted <- rep("", nPred)
#             predicted[seq(along = predicted)] <- NA
#           } else {
#             predicted <- rep(NA, nPred)
#           }
#           if(!is.null(submod))
#           {
#             tmp <- predicted
#             predicted <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(info$submodels[[parm]]) + 1)
#             for(i in seq(along = predicted)) predicted[[i]] <- tmp
#             rm(tmp)
#           }
#         }
#       } else {
#         wrn <- paste(colnames(printed[parm,,drop = FALSE]),
#                      printed[parm,,drop = FALSE],
#                      sep = "=",
#                      collapse = ", ")
#         wrn <- paste("model fit failed for ", names(resampleIndex)[iter],
#                      ": ", wrn, " ", as.character(mod), sep = "")
#         if(ctrl$verboseIter) cat(wrn, "\n")
#         warning(wrn)
#         rm(wrn)
#         ## setup a dummy results with NA values for all predictions
#         nPred <- length(holdoutIndex)
#         if(!is.null(lev))
#         {
#           predicted <- rep("", nPred)
#           predicted[seq(along = predicted)] <- NA
#         } else {
#           predicted <- rep(NA, nPred)
#         }
#         if(!is.null(submod))
#         {
#           tmp <- predicted
#           predicted <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(info$submodels[[parm]]) + 1)
#           for(i in seq(along = predicted)) predicted[[i]] <- tmp
#           rm(tmp)
#         }
#       }
#       if(testing) print(head(predicted))
#       if(ctrl$classProbs)
#       {
#         if(class(mod)[1] != "try-error")
#         {
#           probValues <- probFunction(method = method,
#                                      modelFit = mod$fit,
#                                      newdata = x[holdoutIndex,, drop = FALSE],
#                                      preProc = mod$preProc,
#                                      param = submod)
#         } else {
#           probValues <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nPred, ncol = length(lev)))
#           colnames(probValues) <- lev
#           if(!is.null(submod))
#           {
#             tmp <- probValues
#             probValues <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(info$submodels[[parm]]) + 1)
#             for(i in seq(along = probValues)) probValues[[i]] <- tmp
#             rm(tmp)
#           }
#         }
#         if(testing) print(head(probValues))
#       }
#       ##################################
#       if(is.numeric(y)) {
#         if(is.logical(ctrl$predictionBounds) && any(ctrl$predictionBounds)) {
#           if(is.list(predicted)) {
#             predicted <- lapply(predicted, trimPredictions,
#                                 mod_type = "Regression",
#                                 bounds = ctrl$predictionBounds,
#                                 limits = ctrl$yLimits)
#           } else {
#             predicted <- trimPredictions(mod_type = "Regression",
#                                          bounds =  ctrl$predictionBounds,
#                                          limits =  ctrl$yLimit,
#                                          pred = predicted)
#           }
#         } else {
#           if(is.numeric(ctrl$predictionBounds) && any(!is.na(ctrl$predictionBounds))) {
#             if(is.list(predicted)) {
#               predicted <- lapply(predicted, trimPredictions,
#                                   mod_type = "Regression",
#                                   bounds = ctrl$predictionBounds,
#                                   limits = ctrl$yLimits)
#             } else {
#               predicted <- trimPredictions(mod_type = "Regression",
#                                            bounds =  ctrl$predictionBounds,
#                                            limits =  ctrl$yLimit,
#                                            pred = predicted)
#             }
#           }
#         }
#       }
#       if(!is.null(submod))
#       {
#         ## merge the fixed and seq parameter values together
#         allParam <- expandParameters(info$loop[parm,,drop = FALSE], info$submodels[[parm]])
#         allParam <- allParam[complete.cases(allParam),, drop = FALSE]
#         ## collate the predicitons across all the sub-models
#         predicted <- lapply(predicted,
#                             function(x, y, wts, lv) {
#                               if(!is.factor(x) & is.character(x)) x <- factor(as.character(x), levels = lv)
#                               out <- data.frame(pred = x, obs = y, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#                               if(!is.null(wts)) out$weights <- wts
#                               out
#                             },
#                             y = y[holdoutIndex],
#                             wts = wts[holdoutIndex],
#                             lv = lev)
#         if(testing) print(head(predicted))
#         ## same for the class probabilities
#         if(ctrl$classProbs)
#         {
#           for(k in seq(along = predicted)) predicted[[k]] <- cbind(predicted[[k]], probValues[[k]])
#         }
#         if(ctrl$savePredictions)
#         {
#           tmpPred <- predicted
#           for(modIndex in seq(along = tmpPred))
#           {
#             tmpPred[[modIndex]]$rowIndex <- holdoutIndex
#             tmpPred[[modIndex]] <- merge(tmpPred[[modIndex]],
#                                          allParam[modIndex,,drop = FALSE],
#                                          all = TRUE)
#           }
#           tmpPred <- rbind.fill(tmpPred)
#           tmpPred$Resample <- names(resampleIndex)[iter]
#         } else tmpPred <- NULL
#         ## get the performance for this resample for each sub-model
#         thisResample <- lapply(predicted,
#                                ctrl$summaryFunction,
#                                lev = lev,
#                                model = method)
#         if(testing) print(head(thisResample))
#         ## for classification, add the cell counts
#         if(length(lev) > 1)
#         {
#           cells <- lapply(predicted,
#                           function(x) flatTable(x$pred, x$obs))
#           for(ind in seq(along = cells)) thisResample[[ind]] <- c(thisResample[[ind]], cells[[ind]])
#         }
#         thisResample <- do.call("rbind", thisResample)
#         thisResample <- cbind(allParam, thisResample)
#       } else {
#         if(is.factor(y)) predicted <- factor(as.character(predicted), levels = lev)
#         tmp <-  data.frame(pred = predicted,
#                            obs = y[holdoutIndex],
#                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#         ## Sometimes the code above does not coerce the first
#         ## columnn to be named "pred" so force it
#         names(tmp)[1] <- "pred"
#         if(!is.null(wts)) tmp$weights <- wts[holdoutIndex]
#         if(ctrl$classProbs) tmp <- cbind(tmp, probValues)
#         if(ctrl$savePredictions)
#         {
#           tmpPred <- tmp
#           tmpPred$rowIndex <- holdoutIndex
#           tmpPred <- merge(tmpPred, info$loop[parm,,drop = FALSE],
#                            all = TRUE)
#           tmpPred$Resample <- names(resampleIndex)[iter]
#         } else tmpPred <- NULL
#         ##################################
#         thisResample <- ctrl$summaryFunction(tmp,
#                                              lev = lev,
#                                              model = method)
#         ## if classification, get the confusion matrix
#         if(length(lev) > 1) thisResample <- c(thisResample, flatTable(tmp$pred, tmp$obs))
#         thisResample <- as.data.frame(t(thisResample))
#         thisResample <- cbind(thisResample, info$loop[parm,,drop = FALSE])
#       }
#       thisResample$Resample <- names(resampleIndex)[iter]
#       if(ctrl$verboseIter) progress(printed[parm,,drop = FALSE],
#                                     names(resampleIndex), iter, FALSE)
#       list(resamples = thisResample, pred = tmpPred)
#     }
#   resamples <- rbind.fill(result[names(result) == "resamples"])
#   pred <- if(ctrl$savePredictions)  rbind.fill(result[names(result) == "pred"]) else NULL
#   if(ctrl$method %in% c("boot632"))
#   {
#     perfNames <- names(ctrl$summaryFunction(data.frame(obs = y, pred = sample(y), weights = 1),
#                                             lev = lev,
#                                             model = method))
#     apparent <- subset(resamples, Resample == "AllData")
#     apparent <- apparent[,!grepl("^\\.cell|Resample", colnames(apparent)),drop = FALSE]
#     names(apparent)[which(names(apparent) %in% perfNames)] <- paste(names(apparent)[which(names(apparent) %in% perfNames)],
#                                                                     "Apparent", sep = "")
#     names(apparent) <- gsub("^\\.", "", names(apparent))
#     if(any(!complete.cases(apparent[,!grepl("^cell|Resample", colnames(apparent)),drop = FALSE])))
#     {
#       warning("There were missing values in the apparent performance measures.")
#     }
#     resamples <- subset(resamples, Resample != "AllData")
#   }
#   names(resamples) <- gsub("^\\.", "", names(resamples))
#   if(any(!complete.cases(resamples[,!grepl("^cell|Resample", colnames(resamples)),drop = FALSE])))
#   {
#     warning("There were missing values in resampled performance measures.")
#   }
#   out <- ddply(resamples[,!grepl("^cell|Resample", colnames(resamples)),drop = FALSE],
#                ## TODO check this for seq models
#                gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(info$loop)),
#                MeanSD,
#                exclude = gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(info$loop)))
#   if(ctrl$method %in% c("boot632"))
#   {
#     out <- merge(out, apparent)
#     for(p in seq(along = perfNames))
#     {
#       const <- 1-exp(-1)
#       out[, perfNames[p]] <- (const * out[, perfNames[p]]) +  ((1-const) * out[, paste(perfNames[p],"Apparent", sep = "")])
#     }
#   }
#   list(performance = out, resamples = resamples, predictions = if(ctrl$savePredictions) pred else NULL)
# }
# #
# #
# # looTrainWorkflow <- function(x, y, wts, info, method, ppOpts, ctrl, lev, testing = FALSE, ...)
# # {
# #   library(caret)
# #   loadNamespace("caret")
# #
# #   ppp <- list(options = ppOpts)
# #   ppp <- c(ppp, ctrl$preProcOptions)
# #
# #   printed <- format(info$loop)
# #   colnames(printed) <- gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(printed))
# #
# #   `%op%` <- getOper(ctrl$allowParallel && getDoParWorkers() > 1)
# #
# #   pkgs <- c("methods", "caret")
# #   if(!is.null(method$library)) pkgs <- c(pkgs, method$library)
# #
# #   result <- foreach(iter = seq(along = ctrl$index), .combine = "rbind", .verbose = FALSE, .packages = pkgs, .errorhandling = "stop") %:%
# #     foreach(parm = 1:nrow(info$loop), .combine = "rbind", .verbose = FALSE, .packages = pkgs, .errorhandling = "stop") %op% {
# #
# #       if(!(length(ctrl$seeds) == 1 && is.na(ctrl$seeds))) set.seed(ctrl$seeds[[iter]][parm])
# #       if(testing) cat("after loops\n")
# #       library(caret)
# #       if(ctrl$verboseIter) progress(printed[parm,,drop = FALSE],
# #                                     names(ctrl$index), iter, TRUE)
# #       if(is.null(info$submodels[[parm]]) || nrow(info$submodels[[parm]]) > 0) {
# #         submod <- info$submodels[[parm]]
# #       } else submod <- NULL
# #
# #       mod <- createModel(x = x[ctrl$index[[iter]],,drop = FALSE ],
# #                          y = y[ctrl$index[[iter]] ],
# #                          wts = wts[ctrl$index[[iter]] ],
# #                          method = method,
# #                          tuneValue = info$loop[parm,,drop = FALSE],
# #                          obsLevels = lev,
# #                          pp = ppp,
# #                          classProbs = ctrl$classProbs,
# #                          ...)
# #
# #       holdoutIndex <- -unique(ctrl$index[[iter]])
# #
# #       predicted <- predictionFunction(method = method,
# #                                       modelFit = mod$fit,
# #                                       newdata = x[-ctrl$index[[iter]],, drop = FALSE],
# #                                       preProc = mod$preProc,
# #                                       param = submod)
# #
# #       if(is.numeric(y)) {
# #         if(is.logical(ctrl$predictionBounds) && any(ctrl$predictionBounds)) {
# #           if(is.list(predicted)) {
# #             predicted <- lapply(predicted, trimPredictions,
# #                                 mod_type = "Regression",
# #                                 bounds = ctrl$predictionBounds,
# #                                 limits = ctrl$yLimits)
# #           } else {
# #             predicted <- trimPredictions(mod_type = "Regression",
# #                                          bounds =  ctrl$predictionBounds,
# #                                          limits =  ctrl$yLimit,
# #                                          pred = predicted)
# #           }
# #         } else {
# #           if(is.numeric(ctrl$predictionBounds) && any(!is.na(ctrl$predictionBounds))) {
# #             if(is.list(predicted)) {
# #               predicted <- lapply(predicted, trimPredictions,
# #                                   mod_type = "Regression",
# #                                   bounds = ctrl$predictionBounds,
# #                                   limits = ctrl$yLimits)
# #             } else {
# #               predicted <- trimPredictions(mod_type = "Regression",
# #                                            bounds =  ctrl$predictionBounds,
# #                                            limits =  ctrl$yLimit,
# #                                            pred = predicted)
# #             }
# #           }
# #         }
# #       }
# #
# #       if(testing) print(head(predicted))
# #       if(ctrl$classProbs)
# #       {
# #         probValues <- probFunction(method = method,
# #                                    modelFit = mod$fit,
# #                                    newdata = x[holdoutIndex,, drop = FALSE],
# #                                    preProc = mod$preProc,
# #                                    param = submod)
# #         if(testing) print(head(probValues))
# #       }
# #
# #       ##################################
# #
# #       if(!is.null(info$submodels))
# #       {
# #         ## collate the predictions across all the sub-models
# #         predicted <- lapply(predicted,
# #                             function(x, y, wts, lv) {
# #                               if(!is.factor(x) & is.character(x)) x <- factor(as.character(x), levels = lv)
# #                               out <- data.frame(pred = x, obs = y, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# #                               if(!is.null(wts)) out$weights <- wts
# #                               out
# #                             },
# #                             y = y[holdoutIndex],
# #                             wts = wts[holdoutIndex],
# #                             lv = lev)
# #         if(testing) print(head(predicted))
# #
# #         ## same for the class probabilities
# #         if(ctrl$classProbs)
# #         {
# #           for(k in seq(along = predicted)) predicted[[k]] <- cbind(predicted[[k]], probValues[[k]])
# #         }
# #         predicted <- do.call("rbind", predicted)
# #         allParam <- expandParameters(info$loop[parm,,drop = FALSE], submod)
# #         rownames(predicted) <- NULL
# #         predicted <- cbind(predicted, allParam)
# #         ## if saveDetails then save and export 'predicted'
# #       } else {
# #
# #         if(is.factor(y)) predicted <- factor(as.character(predicted),
# #                                              levels = lev)
# #         predicted <-  data.frame(pred = predicted,
# #                                  obs = y[holdoutIndex],
# #                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# #         if(!is.null(wts)) predicted$weights <- wts[holdoutIndex]
# #         if(ctrl$classProbs) predicted <- cbind(predicted, probValues)
# #         predicted <- cbind(predicted, info$loop[parm,,drop = FALSE])
# #
# #       }
# #       if(ctrl$verboseIter) progress(printed[parm,,drop = FALSE],
# #                                     names(ctrl$index), iter, FALSE)
# #       predicted
# #     }
# #
# #   names(result) <- gsub("^\\.", "", names(result))
# #   out <- ddply(result,
# #                as.character(method$parameter$parameter),
# #                ctrl$summaryFunction,
# #                lev = lev,
# #                model = method)
# #   list(performance = out, predictions = result)
# # }
# #
# # oobTrainWorkflow <- function(x, y, wts, info, method, ppOpts, ctrl, lev, testing = FALSE, ...)
# # {
# #   library(caret)
# #   ppp <- list(options = ppOpts)
# #   ppp <- c(ppp, ctrl$preProcOptions)
# #   printed <- format(info$loop)
# #   colnames(printed) <- gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(printed))
# #   `%op%` <- getOper(ctrl$allowParallel && getDoParWorkers() > 1)
# #   pkgs <- c("methods", "caret")
# #   if(!is.null(method$library)) pkgs <- c(pkgs, method$library)
# #   result <- foreach(parm = 1:nrow(info$loop), .packages = pkgs, .combine = "rbind") %op%
# #   {
# #     library(caret)
# #     if(ctrl$verboseIter) progress(printed[parm,,drop = FALSE], "", 1, TRUE)
# #
# #     mod <- createModel(x = x,
# #                        y = y,
# #                        wts = wts,
# #                        method = method,
# #                        tuneValue = info$loop[parm,,drop = FALSE],
# #                        obsLevels = lev,
# #                        pp = ppp,
# #                        classProbs = ctrl$classProbs,
# #                        ...)
# #
# #     out <- switch(class(mod$fit)[1],
# #                   randomForest = rfStats(mod$fit),
# #                   RandomForest = cforestStats(mod$fit),
# #                   bagEarth =, bagFDA = bagEarthStats(mod$fit),
# #                   regbagg =, classbagg = ipredStats(mod$fit))
# #     if(ctrl$verboseIter) progress(printed[parm,,drop = FALSE], "", 1, FALSE)
# #
# #     cbind(as.data.frame(t(out)), info$loop[parm,,drop = FALSE])
# #   }
# #   names(result) <- gsub("^\\.", "", names(result))
# #   result
# # }
# #
# # ################################################################################################
# #
# # nominalSbfWorkflow <- function(x, y, ppOpts, ctrl, lev, ...)
# # {
# #   library(caret)
# #   ppp <- list(options = ppOpts)
# #   ppp <- c(ppp, ctrl$preProcOptions)
# #
# #   resampleIndex <- ctrl$index
# #   if(ctrl$method %in% c("boot632")){
# #     resampleIndex <- c(list("AllData" = rep(0, nrow(x))), resampleIndex)
# #     ctrl$indexOut <- c(list("AllData" = rep(0, nrow(x))),  ctrl$indexOut)
# #   }
# #
# #   `%op%` <- getOper(ctrl$allowParallel && getDoParWorkers() > 1)
# #   result <- foreach(iter = seq(along = resampleIndex), .combine = "c", .verbose = FALSE, .packages = c("methods", "caret"), .errorhandling = "stop") %op%
# #   {
# #     if(!(length(ctrl$seeds) == 1 && is.na(ctrl$seeds))) set.seed(ctrl$seeds[iter])
# #
# #     library(caret)
# #
# #     if(names(resampleIndex)[iter] != "AllData") {
# #       modelIndex <- resampleIndex[[iter]]
# #       holdoutIndex <- ctrl$indexOut[[iter]]
# #     } else {
# #       modelIndex <- 1:nrow(x)
# #       holdoutIndex <- modelIndex
# #     }
# #
# #     sbfResults <- sbfIter(x[modelIndex,,drop = FALSE],
# #                           y[modelIndex],
# #                           x[holdoutIndex,,drop = FALSE],
# #                           y[holdoutIndex],
# #                           ctrl,
# #                           ...)
# #     if(ctrl$saveDetails)
# #     {
# #       tmpPred <- sbfResults$pred
# #       tmpPred$Resample <- names(resampleIndex)[iter]
# #       tmpPred$rowIndex <- seq(along = y)[unique(holdoutIndex)]
# #     } else tmpPred <- NULL
# #     resamples <- ctrl$functions$summary(sbfResults$pred, lev = lev)
# #     if(is.factor(y)) resamples <- c(resamples, flatTable(sbfResults$pred$pred, sbfResults$pred$obs))
# #     resamples <- data.frame(t(resamples))
# #     resamples$Resample <- names(resampleIndex)[iter]
# #
# #     list(resamples = resamples, selectedVars = sbfResults$variables, pred = tmpPred)
# #   }
# #
# #   resamples <- rbind.fill(result[names(result) == "resamples"])
# #   pred <- if(ctrl$saveDetails) rbind.fill(result[names(result) == "pred"]) else NULL
# #   performance <- MeanSD(resamples[,!grepl("Resample", colnames(resamples)),drop = FALSE])
# #
# #   if(ctrl$method %in% c("boot632"))
# #   {
# #     modelIndex <- 1:nrow(x)
# #     holdoutIndex <- modelIndex
# #     appResults <- sbfIter(x[modelIndex,,drop = FALSE],
# #                           y[modelIndex],
# #                           x[holdoutIndex,,drop = FALSE],
# #                           y[holdoutIndex],
# #                           ctrl,
# #                           ...)
# #     apparent <- ctrl$functions$summary(appResults$pred, lev = lev)
# #     perfNames <- names(apparent)
# #
# #     const <- 1-exp(-1)
# #
# #     for(p in seq(along = perfNames))
# #       performance[perfNames[p]] <- (const * performance[perfNames[p]]) +  ((1-const) * apparent[perfNames[p]])
# #
# #   }
# #
# #   list(performance = performance, everything = result, predictions = if(ctrl$saveDetails) pred else NULL)
# # }
# #
# #
# # looSbfWorkflow <- function(x, y, ppOpts, ctrl, lev, ...)
# # {
# #   library(caret)
# #   ppp <- list(options = ppOpts)
# #   ppp <- c(ppp, ctrl$preProcOptions)
# #
# #   resampleIndex <- ctrl$index
# #
# #   vars <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(y))
# #
# #   `%op%` <- getOper(ctrl$allowParallel && getDoParWorkers() > 1)
# #   result <- foreach(iter = seq(along = resampleIndex), .combine = "c", .verbose = FALSE, .packages = c("methods", "caret"), .errorhandling = "stop") %op%
# #   {
# #     if(!(length(ctrl$seeds) == 1 && is.na(ctrl$seeds))) set.seed(ctrl$seeds[iter])
# #
# #     library(caret)
# #
# #     modelIndex <- resampleIndex[[iter]]
# #     holdoutIndex <- -unique(resampleIndex[[iter]])
# #
# #     sbfResults <- sbfIter(x[modelIndex,,drop = FALSE],
# #                           y[modelIndex],
# #                           x[holdoutIndex,,drop = FALSE],
# #                           y[holdoutIndex],
# #                           ctrl,
# #                           ...)
# #
# #     sbfResults
# #   }
# #   resamples <- do.call("rbind", result[names(result) == "pred"])
# #   performance <- ctrl$functions$summary(resamples, lev = lev)
# #
# #   list(performance = performance, everything = result, predictions = if(ctrl$saveDetails) resamples else NULL)
# # }
# #
# #
# # ################################################################################################
# #
# # nominalRfeWorkflow <- function(x, y, sizes, ppOpts, ctrl, lev, ...)
# # {
# #   library(caret)
# #   ppp <- list(options = ppOpts)
# #   ppp <- c(ppp, ctrl$preProcOptions)
# #
# #   resampleIndex <- ctrl$index
# #   if(ctrl$method %in% c("boot632")) {
# #     resampleIndex <- c(list("AllData" = rep(0, nrow(x))), resampleIndex)
# #     ctrl$indexOut <- c(list("AllData" = rep(0, nrow(x))),  ctrl$indexOut)
# #   }
# #
# #   `%op%` <- getOper(ctrl$allowParallel && getDoParWorkers() > 1)
# #   result <- foreach(iter = seq(along = resampleIndex), .combine = "c", .verbose = FALSE, .packages = c("methods", "caret", "plyr"), .errorhandling = "stop") %op%
# #   {
# #     library(caret)
# #
# #     if(names(resampleIndex)[iter] != "AllData") {
# #       modelIndex <- resampleIndex[[iter]]
# #       holdoutIndex <- ctrl$indexOut[[iter]]
# #     } else {
# #       modelIndex <- 1:nrow(x)
# #       holdoutIndex <- modelIndex
# #     }
# #
# #     seeds <- if(!(length(ctrl$seeds) == 1 && is.na(ctrl$seeds))) ctrl$seeds[[iter]] else NA
# #     rfeResults <- rfeIter(x[modelIndex,,drop = FALSE],
# #                           y[modelIndex],
# #                           x[holdoutIndex,,drop = FALSE],
# #                           y[holdoutIndex],
# #                           sizes,
# #                           ctrl,
# #                           label = names(resampleIndex)[iter],
# #                           seeds = seeds,
# #                           ...)
# #     resamples <- ddply(rfeResults$pred, .(Variables), ctrl$functions$summary, lev = lev)
# #
# #     if(ctrl$saveDetails)
# #     {
# #       rfeResults$pred$Resample <- names(resampleIndex)[iter]
# #       ## If the user did not have nrow(x) in 'sizes', rfeIter added it.
# #       ## So, we need to find out how many set of predictions there are:
# #       nReps <- length(table(rfeResults$pred$Variables))
# #       rfeResults$pred$rowIndex <- rep(seq(along = y)[unique(holdoutIndex)], nReps)
# #     }
# #
# #     if(is.factor(y))
# #     {
# #       cells <- ddply(rfeResults$pred, .(Variables), function(x) flatTable(x$pred, x$obs))
# #       resamples <- merge(resamples, cells)
# #     }
# #
# #     resamples$Resample <- names(resampleIndex)[iter]
# #     vars <- do.call("rbind", rfeResults$finalVariables)
# #     vars$Resample <- names(resampleIndex)[iter]
# #     list(resamples = resamples, selectedVars = vars, predictions = if(ctrl$saveDetails) rfeResults$pred else NULL)
# #   }
# #   resamples <- do.call("rbind", result[names(result) == "resamples"])
# #   rownames(resamples) <- NULL
# #
# #   if(ctrl$method %in% c("boot632"))
# #   {
# #     perfNames <- names(ctrl$functions$summary(data.frame(obs =y, pred = sample(y)),
# #                                               lev = lev,
# #                                               model = method))
# #     apparent <- subset(resamples, Resample == "AllData")
# #     apparent <- apparent[,!grepl("^\\.cell|Resample", colnames(apparent)),drop = FALSE]
# #     names(apparent)[which(names(apparent) %in% perfNames)] <- paste(names(apparent)[which(names(apparent) %in% perfNames)],
# #                                                                     "Apparent", sep = "")
# #     names(apparent) <- gsub("^\\.", "", names(apparent))
# #     resamples <- subset(resamples, Resample != "AllData")
# #   }
# #
# #   externPerf <- ddply(resamples[,!grepl("\\.cell|Resample", colnames(resamples)),drop = FALSE],
# #                       .(Variables),
# #                       MeanSD,
# #                       exclude = "Variables")
# #   if(ctrl$method %in% c("boot632"))
# #   {
# #     externPerf <- merge(externPerf, apparent)
# #     for(p in seq(along = perfNames))
# #     {
# #       const <- 1-exp(-1)
# #       externPerf[, perfNames[p]] <- (const * externPerf[, perfNames[p]]) +  ((1-const) * externPerf[, paste(perfNames[p],"Apparent", sep = "")])
# #     }
# #     externPerf <- externPerf[, !(names(externPerf) %in% paste(perfNames,"Apparent", sep = ""))]
# #   }
# #   list(performance = externPerf, everything = result)
# # }
# #
# #
# # looRfeWorkflow <- function(x, y, sizes, ppOpts, ctrl, lev, ...)
# # {
# #   library(caret)
# #   ppp <- list(options = ppOpts)
# #   ppp <- c(ppp, ctrl$preProcOptions)
# #
# #   resampleIndex <- ctrl$index
# #   `%op%` <- getOper(ctrl$allowParallel && getDoParWorkers() > 1)
# #   result <- foreach(iter = seq(along = resampleIndex), .combine = "c", .verbose = FALSE, .packages = c("methods", "caret"), .errorhandling = "stop") %op%
# #   {
# #     library(caret)
# #
# #     modelIndex <- resampleIndex[[iter]]
# #     holdoutIndex <- -unique(resampleIndex[[iter]])
# #
# #     seeds <- if(!(length(ctrl$seeds) == 1 && is.na(ctrl$seeds))) ctrl$seeds[[iter]] else NA
# #     rfeResults <- rfeIter(x[modelIndex,,drop = FALSE],
# #                           y[modelIndex],
# #                           x[holdoutIndex,,drop = FALSE],
# #                           y[holdoutIndex],
# #                           sizes,
# #                           ctrl,
# #                           seeds = seeds,
# #                           ...)
# #     rfeResults
# #   }
# #   preds <- do.call("rbind", result[names(result) == "pred"])
# #   resamples <- ddply(preds, .(Variables), ctrl$functions$summary, lev = lev)
# #   list(performance = resamples, everything = result)
# # }
jknowles/circus documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:42 a.m.