Man pages for jknowles/eeptools
Convenience Functions for Education Data

age_calcFunction to calculate age from date of birth.
autoplot.lmA function to replicate the basic plot function for linear...
cleanTexRemove Unwanted LaTeX files after building document
crosstabplotDraw a visual crosstab (mosaic plot) with shading for...
crosstabsBuild a list of crosstabulations from a dataset
cutoffA function to calculate thresholds of cumulative sums in a...
decommaRemove commas from numeric fields and return them as numerics
defacConvert a factor to a character string safely
eeptoolsEvaluation of educational policy tools
gelmansimGenerate prediction intervals for model functions
isidA function to check if a set of variables form a unique ID in...
lag_dataCreate a lag
leading_zeroFunction to add leading zeroes to maintain fixed width.
makenuma function to convert numeric factors into numeric class...
max_misA function to safely take the maximum of a vector that could...
midschA dataframe of aggregate test scores for schools in a Midwest...
moves_calcFunction to calculate the number of times a student has...
nth_maxFind the nth maximum value
profpolyCreates a proficiency polygon in ggplot2 for showing...
profpoly.dataCreates a data frame suitable for building custom polygon...
remove_charA function to replace an arbitrary character like a "*" in...
retained_calcFunction to calculate whether a student has repeated a grade.
statamodeA function to mimic the mode function in Stata.
stuattStudent Attributes from the Strategic Data Project Toolkit
stulevelA synthetic data set of K-12 student attributes.
theme_dpia deprecated ggplot2 theme developed for PDF and PNG for use...
theme_dpi_mapa deprecated ggplot2 theme developed for PDF or SVG maps
theme_dpi_map2an alternate deprecated ggplot2 theme developed for PDF or...
theme_dpi_mapPNGan deprecated ggplot2 theme developed for PNG or JPG maps
threshA function to return the maximum percentage of the cumulative...
jknowles/eeptools documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 10:05 p.m.