Man pages for jkruppa/RepeatedHighDim
Global tests for expression data of high-dimensional sets of molecular features.

GA_diagplotDiagnostic plot for comparison of two correlation matrices.
GlobTestMissingDetection of global group effect
iter_matrixGenetic algorithm for generating correlated binary data
RepeatedHighDimDetection of global group effect
RepeatedHighDim-packageGlobal tests for expression data of high-dimensional sets of...
rho_boundsCalculate lower and upper the bounds for pairwise...
rmvbinary_EPSimulating correlated binary variables using the algorithm by...
rmvbinary_QASimulating correlated binary variables using the algorithm by...
sequence_probsCalculation of probabilities for binary sequences
start_matrixSetup of the start matrix
summary.RHDSummary of RepeatedHighDim function
TestStatSimpleCalculation of test statistic
TestStatSPCalculation of test statistic
jkruppa/RepeatedHighDim documentation built on May 19, 2019, 12:45 p.m.