  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Change dates

All top level records in a GEDCOM file can record the date and time they were last modified. The tidyged package (the main package for creating and summarising GEDCOM files) includes change dates (today's date) by default every time a record is created or modified. Since the time is very unlikely to be useful in such a context, the package ignores this by default. We illustrate by loading the tidyged and tidyged.utils packages, and creating an example object.


gedcom(subm("Me")) |> 

See row r which(gedcom(subm("Me"))$tag == "CHAN") and the row after for the change date for the submitter record.

For GEDCOM files with thousands of records, including change dates can add considerable bloat. For this reason it is possible to remove all change date structures with the remove_change_dates() function:

gedcom(subm("Me")) |> 
  remove_change_dates() |> 

Unreferenced records

If there are any records that are not referenced anywhere else, they can be found with the identify_unused_records() function. In the example below we create 6 family group records, half with members, half without, and also an unreferenced Repository record:

some_unref <- gedcom(subm("Me")) |> 
  add_indi(qn = "Tom Smith") |> 
  add_indi(qn = "Tammy Smith") |> 
  add_indi(qn = "Alice White") |> 
  add_indi(qn = "Phil Brown")

tom_xref <- find_indi_name(some_unref, "Tom")
tammy_xref <- find_indi_name(some_unref, "Tammy")
phil_xref <- find_indi_name(some_unref, "Phil")
alice_xref <- find_indi_name(some_unref, "Alice")

some_unref <- some_unref |>
  add_famg(husband = tom_xref, wife = tammy_xref) |> 
  add_famg() |> 
  add_famg(husband = phil_xref) |> 
  add_famg() |> 
  add_famg(children = alice_xref) |> 
  add_famg() |> 
  add_repo("Test repo") 


We can find out more about these xrefs by using the describe_records() function from the tidyged package:

identify_unused_records(some_unref) |> 
  describe_records(gedcom = some_unref)

jl5000/tidyged.utils documentation built on June 26, 2022, 4:40 p.m.