
title: 'RCzechia: Spatial Objects of the Czech Republic' tags: - R - spatial - vector data - country specific Czechia authors: - name: Jindra Lacko orcid: 0000-0002-0375-5156 affiliation: 1 affiliations: - name: Prague University of Economics and Business index: 1 date: 1 November 2022 bibliography: paper.bib


RCzechia is a R package providing spatial objects and spatial information relevant in the context of the Czech Republic for spatial data analysis and visualization purposes. The package uses sf data format to serve the most commonly used administrative areas and natural objects.

As the underlying data is by necessity larger than CRAN package size limits allow, the data is stored externally and a working internet connection is required to use the package.

State of the field

The history of spatial data analysis in R is long and respectable @bivand21. The first packages focusing specifically on providing spatial data originate from the S days @becker_wilks93, with maps @deckmyn22 being one of the oldest packages in continuous use on CRAN (since 2003). The early packages used pattern of storing spatial data internally, which created a hard limit on volume and level of detail stored.

With the advent of sp @pebesma_bivand05 and later sf @pebesma18 platforms for handling spatial data the universe of packages focused on providing spatial data blossomed. There are packages with global focus, such as rnaturalearth @south17 and regional focus like giscoR @hernangomezdiego22 oriented at the EU. Number of packages are country specific, such as tigris @walker_rudis22 for the US, or rgugik @dyba_nowosad21 for Poland. With current near universal and reliable internet access a new pattern has emerged, with spatial data packages accessing cloud stored data files as required (caching them within the limits set by the CRAN repository policy), and distributing only lightweight code.

In the context of Czech Republic there exists CzechData package @caha21, with somewhat overlapping functionality but available only on GitHub. The CRAN package czso @bouchal22 interfaces API of the Czech Statistical Office ČSÚ, providing access to statistical data about Czech administrative areas (without the spatial information itself). Package pragr @bouchal20, available on GitHub, provides geodata about the city of Prague.

Statement of need

No country specific spatial data package has been published on CRAN for the Czech Republic to date, creating a need that could be filled using global or regional packages only to a limited extent.

While there there are open data resources available for researchers, mostly in the format of ESRI Shapefiles, these have a number of practical disadvantages. They have to be located and downloaded individually, and their users in R context face additional hurdles, such as conflicting Coordinate Reference Systems and character encodings. In addition some publicly available datasets are topologically invalid and many are too detailed for use by non GIS specialized audience.


The package provides two distinct sets of spatial objects: administrative areas, and natural objects. In addition API interface wrapping is provided for geocoding and reverse geocoding functions.

Administrative area polygons:

The country (NUTS1), regions (NUTS3) and districts (LAU1) administrative level objects from RCzechia are functionally equivalent to those provided by giscoR package @hernangomezdiego22 for the Czech Republic. This is expected, as GISCO objects are standardized at the EU level, and the Czech Republic is a EU member state.

Natural objects:

All objects are implemented as functions returning sf class data frames, so commands must be followed by brackets i.e. RCzechia::republika().

For some of the most commonly used objects (republika, kraje, okresy, reky and volebni_okrsky) an optional low resolution version is also included. To access it, specify the value of resolution parameter as "low" (default is "high").

Utility functions:

The utility functions interface API of the Czech State Administration of Land Surveying and Cadastre (ČÚZK) and are therefore limited in scope to the area of the Czech Republic.

The package code is thoroughly tested, with 100% test coverage. In addition to testing code the package implements unit tests on integrity of the datasets provided, such as topological validity and internal consistency between different levels of administrative units.


Examples of use

Czech population at the LAU1 level as per the 2011 census, accessed via czso package from API of Czech Statistical Office, and mapped using RCzechia::okresy() and a ggplot2 @wickham16 call. Note the use of low resolution objects to achieve a more stylized look.


src <- czso::czso_get_table("SLDB-VYBER") %>% 
   select(uzkod, obyvatel = vse1111) %>% 
   mutate(obyvatel = as.numeric(obyvatel)) 

okresni_data <- RCzechia::okresy("low") %>% 
  inner_join(src, by = c("KOD_OKRES" = "uzkod")) 

ggplot(data = okresni_data) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = obyvatel), colour = NA) +
  geom_sf(data = RCzechia::republika("low"), color = "gray30", fill = NA) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "log", labels = scales::comma) +
  labs(title = "Czech population",
       fill = "population\n(log scale)") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.text.align = 1,
        legend.title.align = 0.5)

77 districts of the Czech Republic, with population

\newpage Terrain of the Czech Republic, accessed via RCzechia::vyskopis() call and displayed using ggplot2 together with major rivers RCzechia::reky() for context.


relief <- vyskopis("actual", cropped = TRUE)

ggplot() +
  tidyterra::geom_spatraster(data = relief) +
  geom_sf(data = subset(RCzechia::reky(), Major == T), # major rivers
          color = "steelblue", alpha = .5) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors = tidyterra::hypso.colors2(10),
                       labels = scales::label_number(suffix = " m"),
                       limits = c(0, 1550),
                       na.value = NA) +
  labs(title = "Czech Rivers & Their Basins",
       fill = "Altitude") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title = element_blank(),
        legend.text.align = 1,
        legend.title.align = 0.5)

Terrain of the Czech Republic, with major rivers

Examples of RCzechia use in current research applications include @korecky_etal21 and @brejcha_etal21.


jlacko/RCzechia documentation built on March 12, 2024, 5:48 p.m.