glasp-package: glasp: Group Linear Algorithm with Sparse Principal...

glasp-packageR Documentation

glasp: Group Linear Algorithm with Sparse Principal decomposition


Implements the the Group Linear Algorithm with Sparse Principal decomposition, an algorithm for supervised variable selection and clustering. Our approach extends the Sparse-Group Lasso regularization to calculate clusters as part of the model fit. Therefore, unlike Sparse-Group Lasso, our idea does not require prior specification of clusters between variables. To determine the clusters, we solve a particular case of sparse Singular Value Decomposition, with a regularization term that follows naturally from the Group Lasso penalty. Moreover, this paper proposes a unified implementation to deal with, but not limited to, linear regression, logistic regression, and proportional hazards models with right-censoring.


Maintainer: Juan C. Laria (ORCID)

Other contributors:

  • Rosa E. Lillo [thesis advisor]

  • M. Carmen Aquilera-Morillo [thesis advisor]

jlaria/glasp documentation built on Dec. 5, 2022, 6:42 a.m.