
Numerical optimization of functions of several, namely n, parameters is an important computational task. R (@Rcite) is a major platform for scientific and statistical calculations and has provided tools for numerical optimization and nonlinear least squares since its inception. These have been extended via a number of packages. In particular, the author has been heavily involved in this effort, and in collaboration with others has provided the package optimx which wraps a number of solvers to allow their invocation by a common calling syntax. Note that optimization in R generally means function minimization, possibly with bounds (or box) constraints on the function parameters.

It is extremely helpful to users to have examples and tests of function minimization. In many situations it is extremely easy to insert an error into code, so easy-to-apply tests allow for the discovery of such errors. There are a number of collections of test functions with many overlaps and minor differences. A well-established and well-documented set of such functions are those of @More1981TUO. These have been translated into R by James Melville in the R package funconstrain ( While initially these provided the function and its gradient given a set of suitable input parameters, the present author added code to compute the Hessian for each test function. This allows Newton-like solvers to be applied. funconstrain also provides suggested initial parameter vectors for each of the 35 test functions. However, where there are multiple input possibilities, just one is provided, for example when the test function has a variable number of parameters.

What is then missing is the link between funconstrain and the tools in optimx, which this article aims to provide.

Function fufn()

Most of the test functions in @More1981TUO are sums of squares of nonlinear functions. While n is the number of parameters, we may have a different number of functions squared in the summation. Call this m. This may be altered to give different variations of a given function, so m must be provided.

Many of the solvers in optimx are capable of handling bounds constraints on the n parameters. That is parameter i must satisfy

            lower[i] <= prm[i] <= upper[i] 

where prm is the parameter vector and lower and upper are vectors of numbers providing lower and upper bounds. Methods in optimx that can handle masks are listed in the character vector bdmeth returned by the function optimx::ctrldefault(n). Note that a number of parameters n must nominally be provided to ctrldefault() but generally n can be specified as 2 to get the default settings for optimx. At time of writing

bdmeth <- c("L-BFGS-B", "nlminb", "lbfgsb3c", "Rcgmin", "Rtnmin", "nvm",
            "Rvmmin", "bobyqa", "nmkb", "hjkb", "hjn", "snewtonm", "ncg",
            "slsqp", "tnewt", "nlnm", "snewtm", "spg")`

Note that to use the lbfgsb3c, and lbfgs methods, you must install the lbfgsb3c and lbfgs packages.

If the upper and lower bound for a parameter are equal, we can say the parameter is fixed or masked. This may seem to be a silly option, since it essentially reduces the dimensionality of the problem. However, there are many situations where we have evidence that a parameter takes a particular (fixed) value, but know that we may wish to allow optimization over that parameter in later investigations. Masks allow us to avoid having to rewrite the function, gradient and Hessian code. However, only a few optimization solvers handle masks. The function optimx::ctrldefault() returns a value maskmeth with a list of solvers that do handle the situation where lower and upper bounds coincide. At the time of writing this is specified as

maskmeth <- c("Rcgmin", "nvm", "hjn", "ncg", "snewtonm", "nlminb", "L-BFGS-B")

With the above in mind, the function fufn() was written to access the test functions of funconstrain.

Calling fufn()

The function fufn() takes one parameter, the numeric value of the test that you want parameters for. See Appendix A below for a list of the test function names and numbers. For example, running fufn(1) will return parameters for rosen().

While we can write our own driver for fufn(), I wanted to make the task extremely easy. Thus the function fufnrun is provided. This is set up to use a simple text file, RFO.txt, to specify which test functions are to be applied to which solvers. Moreover, a "sink" file name can be specified to save the text output of the run.

Test specification file RFO.txt

Let us consider an example.

1, 9, 9, 1, 6:8, 35
c("L-BFGS-B", "lbfgs", "lbfgsb3c", "lbfgs")

The lines of the above file provide the following information:

A driver program for fufn()

The fufnrun function is a driver for fufn(). It takes one parameter, the path to a file (by default RFO.txt) containing the specification above. It reads the file and then calls fufn() with the specified parameters. If you save the output above to a file, e.g. path/to/RFO.txt and ensure optimx, lbfgs and lbfgsb3c are installed, run:


and the results of the evaluation will be logged to the console.

Using the Hessian

funconstrain can generate the Hessian function for the test problems. The following specification script will run all problems using three solvers capable of taking advantage of the Hessian.

c("nlm", "nlminb", "snewtm")

The classic WOOD test function returns results

Problem: wood 
       p1 s1 p2 s2 p3 s3 p4 s4        value fevals gevals hevals conv kkt1 kkt2 xtime
nlminb  1     1     1     1    6.637402e-29     55     44     44    0 TRUE TRUE 0.001
snewtm  1     1     1     1    3.930599e-27     71     49     48    0 TRUE TRUE 0.004
nlm     1     1     1     1    1.004941e-16    354    354    354    0 TRUE TRUE 0.005
END : wood 

Here we see different performance of three methods. Method snewtm is a stabilized Newton method which is part of package optimx. While intended mainly as a didactic exercise, this solver has done well on this problem.

Bounded parameters

We can also try the same problems with the experimental bounds constraints via the specification script:

c("nlm", "nlminb", "snewtm")

For the WOOD function, the results are now

Problem: wood 
Non-bounds methods requested:[1] "nlm"
         p1 s1   p2 s2   p3 s3   p4 s4   value fevals gevals hevals conv  kkt1 kkt2 xtime
nlminb -0.9  U -0.9  U -0.9  U -0.9  U 707.199      7      6      6    0 FALSE TRUE 0.000
snewtm -0.9  U -0.9  U -0.9  U -0.9  U 707.199      6      5      4    0 FALSE TRUE 0.001
END : wood 

Note that method nml is not set up to handle bounds and is automatically dropped by function opm(). We also see that the solution found (in both cases) is at the upper bound on all parameters, which is indicated by the status (i.e. "s") columns of the output table.

Appendix A: function numbers and names

1       rosen 
2       freud_roth 
3       powell_bs 
4       brown_bs 
5       beale 
6       jenn_samp 
7       helical 
8       bard 
9       gauss 
10      meyer 
11      gulf 
12      box_3d 
13      powell_s 
14      wood 
15      kow_osb 
16      brown_den 
17      osborne_1 
18      biggs_exp6 
19      osborne_2 
20      watson 
21      ex_rosen 
22      ex_powell 
23      penalty_1 
24      penalty_2 
25      var_dim 
26      trigon 
27      brown_al 
28      disc_bv 
29      disc_ie 
30      broyden_tri 
31      broyden_band 
32      linfun_fr 
33      linfun_r1 
34      linfun_r1z 
35      chebyquad 


jlmelville/funconstrain documentation built on April 17, 2024, 7:47 p.m.