Man pages for jlmelville/rnndescent
Nearest Neighbor Descent Method for Approximate Nearest Neighbors

brute_force_knnFind exact nearest neighbors by brute force
brute_force_knn_queryQuery exact nearest neighbors by brute force
graph_knn_queryQuery a search graph for nearest neighbors
k_occurQuantify hubness of a nearest neighbor graph
merge_knnMerge multiple approximate nearest neighbors graphs
neighbor_overlapOverlap between the indices of two nearest neighbor graphs
nnd_knnFind nearest neighbors using nearest neighbor descent
prepare_search_graphConvert a nearest neighbor graph into a search graph
random_knnFind nearest neighbors by random selection
random_knn_queryQuery nearest neighbors by random selection
rnnd_buildBuild approximate nearest neighbors index and neighbor graph
rnndescent-packagernndescent: Nearest Neighbor Descent Method for Approximate...
rnnd_knnFind approximate nearest neighbors
rnnd_queryQuery an index for approximate nearest neighbors
rpf_buildCreate a random projection forest nearest neighbor index
rpf_filterKeep the best trees in a random projection forest
rpf_knnFind nearest neighbors using a random projection forest
rpf_knn_queryQuery a random projection forest index for nearest neighbors
jlmelville/rnndescent documentation built on July 29, 2024, 9:31 p.m.