Man pages for jlricon/MaxClassify
An efficient maximum entropy classifier, with some convenience functions

create_test_matrixTransforms a vector of text to the same format of a given...
create_training_matrixCreate a matrix from a vector of text. This function does not...
create_weights_matrixCreate a weights matrix given a MaxEnt model Given a matrix...
get_common_wordsReturns common words for a matrix
get_common_words_singleReturns common words for a matrix
predictMCPredict using a previously trained classifier, given a matrix...
scoreScores the performance of a model
trainMCTrain a classifier Given a matrix with word counts and a...
tune_MaxEntTunes a MaxEnt classifier)
jlricon/MaxClassify documentation built on May 29, 2019, 2:56 p.m.