CARB Grid handling

The CARB grid is a 4km grid covering California. It seems to be the smallest tractable unit used by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to estimate air quality and emissions. Therefore, it makes sense to use the grid as a basis for generating estimates of mobile source emissions.

The reason this is important is that HPMS data, the gold standard for universal estimates of vehicle traffic in California, provides only AADT. While the estimates cover each street in space, they only provide the coarsest of approximations in time.

So my idea is to collect everything I know about each grid in a CouchDB database. The DB will be document based, with one document per grid.

I think. Part of the reason for this document is to hash out some alternative design options for the database.

One document per grid cell

So if it is one document per grid cell, the documents will have as their unique id the id of the grid cell, and can also be indexed according to both the stock geographic projection, and the WGS84 reprojection. Each document would then contain everything I know about that grid, including the streets and highways contained in the grid according to HPMS, and other stuff.

One item that I really want to have is an estimate of how each hour deviates from the AADT value. That is, what is the factor that should be multiplied to the HPMS-derived estimate of AADT to obtain the hourly volume of truck (HHDT and Not HHDT) and car travel in the grid. If I include this in the document, then that means that the documents will get large---containing 8,760 factors per year.

I would also like to store the HPMS data, thus allowing me to compute the hourly traffic straight off. I would also like to store the output of the other VDS/WIM highway imputations for each grid.

The problem is that each document gets bigger and bigger, and extracting a value by hour is difficult. Suppose I want to display the imputations for a day. I need to grab every grid cell, break out just the day of data. This will take time. Making a view of that might help, but it would be difficult to mix geographic index with a time index.

Still, falling back on the usual approach of one index to get the grids in bbox, and then direct addressing of the grid cells, might work to give me what I want. I also saw some mention of multidimensional geo handling in CouchDB. This might allow me to mix geography and time as the third dimension, so that I can get a bbox plus a range of time. That would be excellent.

jmarca/grid_data documentation built on Sept. 27, 2020, 11:33 a.m.