
Greenkeeper badge

This repository contains a file that I use everywhere in R whenever I want to stash or retrieve stuff from CouchDB.

It contains some functions that help handle getting data in and out of CouchDB.

Now that I've split it into its own repository, I am going to try to generalize this a bit more, and maybe add tests...whatever that means for R. In the meantime, feel free to modify this code for your own needs, but don't expect it to work for you out of the box as it currently contains a lot of project-specific stuff.

With the version bump to 0.1.0, I've changed the way getting attachments works. Now it will load the file in the routine. If this fixes problems I've been having then all routines are likely to move to this model.


testing is irritating.

You have to do this in R:


or in bash

export RCOUCHUTILS_TEST_CONFIG='/full/path/to/test.config.json'

Then the test config file needs to point to a valid and running couchdb instance as follows:

    "couchdb": {
        "host": "",

Obviously change the name of your username and password to real ones.


I guess the GPL v2 for now, as most of R is licensed like that.

jmarca/rstats_couch_utils documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:51 p.m.