Man pages for jmarlab/pathVar
Methods to Find Pathways with Significantly Different Variability

bockGene Expression Matrix of Published Data
diagnosticsVarPlotsPlots the average expression against variability using...
diagnosticsVarPlotsTwoSamplePlots the average expression against variability using...
geneDistributionSet2-classClass '"pathVarTwoSamplesCont"'
geneDistributionSet3-classClass '"pathVarTwoSamplesDisc"'
geneDistributionSet-classClass '"geneDistributionSet"'
geneSet-classClass '"geneSet"'
getGenesGets significant genes within a certain window of...
makeDBListPuts your own list of pathways and genes related to them into...
pathVarOneSampleCompares the distribution of genes in each cluster to the...
pathVar-packageDetects pathways with different levels of variance than...
pathVarTwoSamplesContCompares the distribution of genes in each pathway for two...
pathVarTwoSamplesDiscCompares the number of genes in clusters in each pathway for...
plotAllTwoSampleDistributionCountsCompares the distribution of genes in clusters for every gene...
plotPwayChecks if an object is from the one sample or two samples...
pways.keggList containing pathway IDs, names, and genes in each pathway
pways.reactomeList containing pathway IDs, names, and genes in each pathway
saveAsPDFSave the plots of the significant pathway or a chosen list of...
significantPathway2-classClass '"significantPathway2"'
significantPathway3-classClass '"significantPathway3"'
significantPathway-classClass '"significantPathway"'
sigPwayA function checks if an object is from the one sample or two...
jmarlab/pathVar documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:02 p.m.