
Defines functions allPerm

Documented in allPerm

#' Generate and return all permutations of a multiset
#' This function will return all permutations of a multiset
#' This function will return all permutations of a multiset. It makes no check
#' to see if this is a sensible thing to do. Users are advised to check how
#' many permutations are possible using the \code{multinom} function in this
#' package.
#' @param mcObj an object of class mc - usually generated by \code{initMC}
#' @return A matrix with each row being a different permutation of the multiset
#' @note This function does not warn the user that the requested set of
#' permutations may be very large. In addition, all working is handled entirely
#' in memory, and so this may cause it to crash if the request is
#' execeptionally large.
#' @author James M. Curran
#' @seealso \code{\link{initMC}}, \code{\link{multinom}}
#' @keywords permutations
#' @examples
#' ## a small numeric example with 6 permuations
#' x = c(1,1,2,2)
#' m = initMC(x)
#' allPerm(m)
#' ## a large character example - 60 possibilities
#' x = rep(letters[1:3], 3:1)
#' multinom(x) ## calculate the number of permutations
#' m = initMC(x)
#' allPerm(m)
#' @export allPerm
allPerm = function(mcObj){
    if(!is(mcObj, "mc")){
      stop("mcObject must be of class mc")
    r = mcObj$mc$allPerm()
    x = unlist(r)
    return(matrix(mcObj$elements[x], ncol = mcObj$length, byrow = TRUE))
jmcurran/multicool documentation built on Feb. 11, 2024, 5:10 a.m.